
韩亚琴, 毛俊莉, 司芗, 文雅萍, 姚星 - 中国石油勘探, 2023 - cped.cn
为促进油气探矿权和采矿权的有序衔接, 针对多年存在的问题, 自然资源部于2019 年12 月印发《
自然资源部关于推进矿产资源管理改革若干事项的意见(试行)》, 首次提出了油气探采合一的理念 …


竺成林, 韩亚琴, 高阳, 王建忠 - 中国石油勘探, 2023 - cped.cn
近年来, 行政审批制度改革受到党中央, 国务院高度关注, 在这一背景下, 自然资源部持续推进
油气矿业权审批登记制度改革. 文章在梳理1998 年以来油气矿业权审批登记制度的基础上 …

Reform and practice of integrated oil and gas exploration and production system in China

H Yaqin, M Junli, S Xiang, W Yaping, Y Xing - China Petroleum Exploration, 2023 - cped.cn
In order to promote the orderly connection between oil and gas exploration rights and
mining rights, and to address long-standing issues, the Ministry of Natural Resources issued …

Progress and prospects of the reform of the approval and registration system for oil and gas mining rights

Z Chenglin, H Yaqin, G Yang, W Jianzhong - China Petroleum Exploration, 2023 - cped.cn
In recent years, the Central Committee of the Communist Party and the State Council of
China have attached great importance to the reform of the administrative approval system …