Progress and challenges of drilling and completion technologies for deep, ultra-deep and horizontal wells of CNPC

W Haige, H Hongchun, JI Guodong… - China Petroleum …, 2023 -
The deep, ultra-deep and unconventional resources have grown to be the major exploration
and development fields for increasing reserves and production in China. Since the 13 th …

[HTML][HTML] 海相深层油气富集机理与关键工程技术基础研究进展

马永生, 黎茂稳, 蔡勋育, 徐旭辉, 胡东风, 曲寿利… - 石油实验地质, 2021 -
针对塔里木, 四川和鄂尔多斯盆地海相深层油气富集机理与关键工程技术基础研究的需求,
国家自然科学基金委员会于2020 年初启动了企业创新发展联合基金集成项目 …

Progress and direction of marine carbonate gas exploration in the Sichuan Basin

Y Yu, WEN Long, XIE Jirong, L Bing, H Pinghui… - China Petroleum …, 2020 -
The Sichuan Basin experienced a long period of continuous marine carbonate deposition.
The basin has rich natural gas resources of 14.33? 1012 m3, which ranks first in China. It is …

Analysis of the main controlling factors of oil and gas differential accumulation in the Shunbei area, Tarim Basin-taking Shunbei No. 1 and No. 5 strike-slip fault zones …

LIU Baozeng - China Petroleum Exploration, 2020 -
The Shunbei oilfield in the Tarim Basin is an ultra-deep carbonate oilfield controlled by strike-
slip faults. Influenced by the plane segmentation and vertical stratification of strike-slip faults …


郭彤楼 - 油气藏评价与开发, 2021 -
通过对近年来深层页岩气突破井的总结, 提出了深层页岩气的4 个地质特点: ① 深,
浅层页岩基本评价参数相似, 但深层页岩含气量和孔隙度一般都要高于中深层; ② …

[PDF][PDF] 塔里木盆地顺北地区油气差异聚集主控因素分析——以顺北1 号, 顺北5 号走滑断裂带为例

刘宝增 - 中国石油勘探, 2020 -
塔里木盆地顺北油田是受走滑断裂控制的碳酸盐岩超深层油田, 受走滑断裂平面分段性和纵向分
层性的影响, 油气聚集呈现明显的差异性. 以顺北1 号, 顺北5 号走滑断裂带为例 …


包汉勇, 赵帅, 梁榜, 周林, 刘皓天 - 中国石油勘探, 2023 -
四川盆地二叠系吴家坪组的页岩层普遍受沉积相变快, 厚度薄, 埋深大等地质条件的制约,
非常规天然气勘探一直未有大的突破. 2020 年风险探井HY-1HF 井在二叠系吴家坪组试获8.9× …


邓虎, 贾利春 - Natural Gas Industry, 2022 -
四川盆地海相碳酸盐岩油气资源丰富, 其中, 埋深大于4 500 m 的深层天然气资源量达到9.68×
1012 m3, 占盆地天然气资源总量的53%[1]. 近年来, 在川西北, 川中古隆起北斜坡 …

中国石油深井, 超深井和水平井钻完井技术进展与挑战

汪海阁, 黄洪春, 纪国栋, 陈畅畅, 吕泽昊, 陈伟峰… - 中国石油勘探, 2023 -
深层, 超深层和非常规成为我国油气勘探开发的重要增储上产领域,“十三五” 以来,
工程技术围绕“五油三气” 六大盆地勘探开发重点和高温高压, 窄密度窗口等钻井提速难点 …

[HTML][HTML] Advances in basic research on the mechanism of deep marine hydrocarbon enrichment and key exploitation technologies

MA Yongsheng, LI Maowen, CAI Xunyu, XU Xuhui… - 石油实验地质, 2021 -
A basic research program on deep hydrocarbon resource accumulation mechanisms and
key exploitation technologies was initiated by the National Natural Science Foundation of …