[引用][C] Good jobs, bad jobs: The rise of polarized and precarious employment systems in the United States, 1970s-2000s

AL Kalleberg - Russell Sage Foundation, 2011 - books.google.com
The economic boom of the 1990s veiled a grim reality: in addition to the growing gap
between rich and poor, the gap between good and bad quality jobs was also expanding …

Organizing flexibility: The flexible firm in a new century

AL Kalleberg - British journal of industrial relations, 2001 - Wiley Online Library
Research on organizational flexibility should examine the linkages between numerical and
functional flexibility. Unfortunately, studies of each type of flexibility generally neglect the …

[图书][B] Working together: How workplace bonds strengthen a diverse democracy

C Estlund - 2003 - books.google.com
The typical workplace is a hotbed of human relationships--of friendships, conflicts, feuds,
alliances, partnerships, coexistence and cooperation. Here, problems are solved, progress …

Boundaryless careers and institutional resources

G Zeitz, G Blau, J Fertig - The International Journal of Human …, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
The 'boundaryless career'model has been dominant in the careers and management
literatures for over a decade. It has provided valuable conceptual tools for researchers as …

The effect of formal versus informal job security on employee involvement programs

GA Preuss, BA Lautsch - Relations industrielles, 2002 - erudit.org
This study examines the effect of employee involvement and job insecurity on employee
satisfaction and commitment. A data set incorporating information from employees …

[PDF][PDF] Att avgränsa det gränslösa sjuksköterskearbetet

M Allvin, A Jacobson, K Isaksson - En intervjustudie om …, 2003 - nile.lub.lu.se
Arbetslivsinstitutet är ett nationellt kunskapscentrum för arbetslivsfrågor. På uppdrag av
Näringsdepartementet bedriver institutet forskning, utveckling och utbildning. Institutet har ca …

[图书][B] Working in restructured workplaces: Challenges and new directions for the sociology of work

DB Cornfield, K Campbell, HJ McCammon - 2001 - books.google.com
Working in Restructured Workplaces addresses contradictory influences in contemporary
workplace restructuring, its impact on workers' lives, and the direction and nature of future …


김동배, 김주일 - 노동정책연구, 2002 - dbpia.co.kr
한국노동연구원이 2002 년도에 실시한 사업체패널 조사 자료를 사용해서 기업의 비정규직
활용 동기를 분석하였다. 사용자측의 주관적 동기를 살펴본 결과 인력의 유연성과 비용절감 …

[PDF][PDF] 비정규인력활용의노조효과에관한탐색적연구

이병훈, 김동배 - 2003 - repository.kli.re.kr
지난 십여년 동안 범지구적 차원에서 고용관계에 대한 시장지배력이 더욱 강화되는 가운데,
우리 나라 역시 1997 년 말에 발발한 외환위기를 계기로 기업들에 있어 시장의존적인 (market …

[图书][B] 비정규근로실태와정책과제(Ⅲ)

안주엽, 김동배, 이시균 - 2003 - repository.kli.re.kr
초록 비정규근로와 관련된 현안이 사회적 이슈로 등장한 지도 어언 3 년이 넘었다. 경제위기
직후 임시일용직으로 표현되는 비정규근로가 임금근로자 중에서 차지하는 비중이 50% 를 넘기 …