中国石油非常规油气发展现状, 挑战与关注问题

李国欣, 朱如凯 - 中国石油勘探, 2020 -
进入21 世纪, 全球非常规油气发现进入活跃期, 致密油/页岩油产量快速增长,
页岩气产量持续增长, 致密气, 煤层气产量稳定, 天然气水合物试采取得突破. 近年来 …

[PDF][PDF] 鄂尔多斯盆地三叠系长7 段页岩油地质特征与勘探实践

付金华, 李士祥, 牛小兵, 邓秀芹, 周新平 - PETROLEUM …, 2020 -
鄂尔多斯盆地三叠系延长组7 段是晚三叠世湖盆发育鼎盛时期所形成的一套以泥页岩类为主的
烃源岩层系, 地层厚度约110 m, 针对这套层系能否形成规模性含油富集和能否形成工业产能 …

[PDF][PDF] 中国陆相页岩油发展潜力与技术对策

胡素云, 赵文智, 侯连华, 杨智, 朱如凯, 吴松涛, 白斌… - 石油勘探与开发, 2020 -
陆相页岩油是埋藏300 m 以深, Ro 值大于0.5% 的陆相富有机质页岩层系中赋存的液态烃和各
类有机物的统称, 是源岩油气的重要组成类型. 以成熟度控制富有机质页岩生排油演化模式为 …

Progress, challenges and key issues in the unconventional oil and gas development of CNPC

LI Guoxin, ZHU Rukai - China Petroleum Exploration, 2020 -
Since the beginning of the 21st century, discoveries of global unconventional oil and gas
have entered an active period. Production of tight oil/shale oil has increased rapidly, shale …

[HTML][HTML] Enrichment characteristics and resource potential of continental shale oil in Mesozoic Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin

FU Suotang, YAO Jingli, LI Shixiang, Z Xinping… - 石油实验地质, 2020 -
Abstract The Chang 7 Member of the Mesozoic Yanchang Formation in the Ordos Basin
mainly developed as a semi-deep to deep lacustrine mudstone and shale. It is the main oil …

[HTML][HTML] 鄂尔多斯盆地中生界延长组陆相页岩油富集特征与资源潜力

付锁堂, 姚泾利, 李士祥, 周新平, 李明瑞 - 石油实验地质, 2020 -
鄂尔多斯盆地中生界延长组长7 段主要发育半深湖—深湖相泥页岩, 是盆地中生界油藏的主力烃
源岩层, 源内页岩油资源丰富. 与北美海相页岩油相比, 长7 页岩油沉积相变化快, 地层连续性差 …

深盆湖相区页岩油富集理论, 勘探技术及前景——以渤海湾盆地黄骅坳陷古近系为例

赵贤正, 蒲秀刚, 周立宏, 金凤鸣, 韩国猛, 时战楠… - 石油学报, 2021 -
21 世纪初期海相页岩油气在北美地区已实现商业性开发, 而中国陆相页岩油气的发展整体尚
处于探索阶段, 且多分布于深盆湖相区. 在综合中国陆相页岩油研究进展的基础上 …

Considerations and suggestions on optimizing completion methods of continental shale oil in China

H Liu, L Kuang, G Li, F Wang, X Jin, J Tao… - Acta Petrolei …, 2020 -
Shale oil resources in China are dominated by continental facies, which are quite different
from marine shale oils in North America in terms of formation mechanism, reservoiring …


付锁堂, 付金华, 牛小兵, 李士祥, 吴志宇, 周新平… - 石油学报, 2020 -
2019 年中国石油长庆油田公司在鄂尔多斯盆地中生界延长组长7 油层组烃源岩层系内发现了
中国最大的页岩油田——庆城油田, 新增探明地质储量为3.58× 10 8 t, 预测地质储量为6.93× 10 …

Enrichment theory, exploration technology and prospects of shale oil in lacustrine facies zone of deep basin: A case study of the Paleogene in Huanghua Depression …

X Zhao, X Pu, L Zhou, F Jin, G Han, Z Shi… - Acta Petrolei …, 2021 -
Marine shale oil and gas in North America were commercially developed in the early 20th
century, while the development of continental shale oil and gas in China is still in the …