LU (S) TI in the global South: an empirical analysis of land use and socio-economic transport interaction in Tanzania using mobile network data

G Engelmann - 2021 -
The majority of rural-urban migration is filtered through slums: informally established,
unplanned, and unrecognised by the government, scientists have a minimal understand-ing …

Prediction-based techniques for the optimization of mobile networks

N Bui - 2017 -
Mobile cellular networks are complex system whose behavior is characterized by the
superposition of several random phenomena, most of which, related to human activities …

Novel anomaly detection and classification algorithms for IP and mobile networks

A Blaise - 2020 -
Résumé Ces dernières années ont été marquées par une nette augmentation de la
fréquence et de la diversité des attaques réseau, qui apparaissent toujours plus …

[PDF][PDF] Supplementary material for “An end-to-end statistical process with mobile network data for Official Statistics”

D Salgado, L Sanguiao, B Oancea, S Barragán… -
Supplementary material for “An end-to-end statistical process with mobile network data for
Official Statistics” Page 1 Salgado et al. RESEARCH Supplementary material for “An end-to-end …

Characterization of mobile network services to assess the impact of network slicing in a nationwide scenario

C Márquez - 2020 -
Several businesses are nowadays becoming more and more aware of the potential that lies
beneath Big Data. From social media 'titans' and healthcare companies, to the mobile …

Characterization of mobile network services to assess the impact of network slicing in a nationwide scenario

MC Márquez Colás - 2020 -
Several business are nowadays becoming more and more aware of the potential that lies
beneath Big Data. From social media 'titans' and healthcare companies, to the mobile …

Advanced time-varying approaches for modeling the multipath channel in wireless network

AA Aljerme - 2020 -
This dissertation proposes the use of advanced time-varying approaches for modeling the
dynamics of the multipath channel in wireless communication networks. These advanced …

[PDF][PDF] Camera-ready version uploaded on: Mars, 15th 2018

L Bonnetain, A Furno, J Krug, NE El Faouzi -
Abstract 1 Mobile phone data collected by network operators can provide fundamental in-2
sights on individual and aggregate mobility of people, at unprecedented spatio-temporal 3 …

Análise de dados agregados aplicada à mobilidade urbana: um framework analítico para geração de conhecimento.

SGB Kapel - 2020 -
As cidades têm enfrentado grandes desafios com o crescimento da população urbana e o
aumento da demanda de recursos de infraestrutura, exigindo que busquem por soluções …

[HTML][HTML] Less is more: Signatures, cities and hash codes

R Coyne -
In 1997, the Hubble Space Telescope's Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) picked up the
signature of a black hole. Instead of a vertical straight scan line, the STIS showed an S …