[PDF][PDF] Cognitive Systems: Argument and Cognition.

AC Kakas, L Michael - IEEE Intell. Informatics Bull., 2016 - academia.edu
Developing systems that are aware of, and accommodate for, the cognitive capabilities and
limitations of human users is emerging as a key characteristic of a new paradigm of …

A hybrid approach to commonsense knowledge acquisition

C Rodosthenous, L Michael - STAIRS 2016, 2016 - ebooks.iospress.nl
This work presents a knowledge acquisition platform and a certain game developed on that
platform for endowing machines with common sense, by following a hybrid approach that …

[PDF][PDF] Cognitive Reasoning and Learning Mechanisms.

L Michael - AIC, 2016 - researchgate.net
With an eye towards the development of systems for common everyday tasks—that operate
in a manner that is cognitively-compatible with the argumentative nature of human …

Cognitive argumentation for human syllogistic reasoning

EAD Saldanha, A Kakas - KI-Künstliche Intelligenz, 2019 - Springer
This paper brings together work from the psychology of reasoning and computational
argumentation in AI to propose a cognitive computational model for human reasoning and in …

[PDF][PDF] STAR: A system of argumentation for story comprehension and beyond

IA Diakidoy, A Kakas, L Michael, R Miller - 2015 AAAI Spring …, 2015 - cdn.aaai.org
This paper presents the STAR system, a system for automated narrative comprehension,
developed on top of an argumentation-theoretic formulation of defeasible reasoning, and …

Gathering background knowledge for story understanding through crowdsourcing

CT Rodosthenous, L Michael - 2014 Workshop on …, 2014 - drops.dagstuhl.de
Successfully comprehending stories involves integration of the story information with the
reader's own background knowledge. A prerequisite, then, of building automated story …

[PDF][PDF] Knowledge Activation in Story Comprehension.

IAN Diakidoy, L Michael… - Journal of Cognitive …, 2017 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
The purpose of this study was to provide behavioral data regarding the world knowledge
that readers activate during story comprehension with a view to inform the development of …

Informalizing formal logic

A Kakas - Informal Logic, 2019 - erudit.org
This paper presents a way in which formal logic can be understood and reformulated in
terms of argumentation that can help us unify formal and informal reasoning. Classical …

[PDF][PDF] The Advice Taker 2.0.

L Michael - COMMONSENSE, 2017 - researchgate.net
Starting from McCarthy's seminal proposal for the construction of an advice-taking machine,
we show how tools from abstract argumentation and computational learning can help …

[PDF][PDF] Cognitive Programming.

L Michael, AC Kakas, R Miller, G Turán - AIC, 2015 - iris.unito.it
The widespread access to computing-enabled devices and the World Wide Web has, in a
sense, liberated the ordinary user from reliance on technically-savvy experts. To complete …