Surface optimization of ship type ditching system based on differential geometry and EDEM simulation

L Xiaopeng, Z Qingsong, LIU Lichao… - Nongye Jixie Xuebao …, 2019 -
Considering the soil in Mid lower Yangtze River is sticky and its moisture content fluctuates
greatly, the furrow should be ditched while rapeseed planting. Due to the lack of theoretical …

Design and experiment of combined tillage implement of reverse-rotary and subsoiling

Z Kan, HE Jin, LI Hongwen, Z Hongbo… - Nongye Jixie Xuebao …, 2017 -
Considering most of the present combined machines of rotary and subsoiling usually place
subsoiling components in front of rotary components, without the research of interaction …

Design and performance experiment of multi-segment type auger in process of organic fertilizer production

X Zhang, Y Liu, L Li, Z Tong, D Yang… - Transactions of the …, 2018 -
Organic fertilizer is obtained from animal and plant residues or waste. Organic fertilizer can
improve soil fertility, and can provide comprehensive nutrition for crops. In recent years …

Development of Driven Plow-Rotary Combined Tillage Machine for Construction of Rational Tillage in Rape Seedbeds

L Qingxi, BU Xiangli, SUN Wencheng… - Nongye Jixie Xuebao …, 2020 -
A rational ploughing method of “deep turning and stubble, tightly lifting and lowering loose”
suitable for rapeseed seedbed was proposed to solve the problems caused by the …


丁为民, 孙元昊, 赵思琪… - Transactions of the …, 2018 -
为了解决犁旋一体机作业过程中调节机具问题, 设计了一种犁旋一体机自动调平系统,
该系统包括执行机构, 控制系统, 液压系统. 根据犁旋一体机自身的特点, 提出了一种确定调平 …

Influence of working order on working quality and power consumption of subsoiling and rotary tillage combined machine

K Zheng, J He, H Li, L Chen, H Hu… - Transactions of the …, 2017 -
Subsoiling and rotary tillage combined cultivator is one of the most important tillage
machines in China. In our study, discrete element method (DEM) simulation and field tests …


张秀丽, 刘云鹏, 李连豪, 仝振伟… - Transactions of the …, 2018 -
为解决有机肥生产过程中的堵料, 物料混合不均匀和尾端积料等问题, 设计了一种多段式搅龙,
其主要由伸缩扒齿, 进料段, 变径送料段, 大径送料段, 出料段和反旋向段等组成 …

[PDF][PDF] 对辊挤压式砂姜黑土整地机设计与试验

陈桂斌, 董超, 张立, 王庆杰, 何进, 李洪文 - 农业机械学报, 2022 -
针对砂姜黑土区土壤易形成坚硬土块, 传统翻耕, 旋耕作业后地表大土块过多,
严重影响小麦播种质量的问题, 设计了一种对辊挤压式砂姜黑土整地机, 可一次性完成土块捡拾 …

[HTML][HTML] 秸秆还田施肥点播机粉碎抛撒装置结构设计与优化

秦宽, 曹成茂, 廖移山, 王超群, 方梁菲… - 农业工程学报, 2020 -
针对小麦秸秆粉碎还田免耕播种过程中出现的堵塞, 架种与晾籽问题, 该文对秸秆粉碎还田施肥
点播机秸秆粉碎抛撒装置结构进行设计, 采用理论分析, ADAMS 仿真方法对切茬甩刀, 切茬定刀 …

Design and Experiment of Plowing and Rotary Tillage Buckle Device for Rapeseed Direct Seeder

WEI Guoliang, Z Qingsong, LIU Lichao, X Wenli… - Nongye Jixie Xuebao …, 2020 -
To overcome the defects like shallow plough layer and low stubble burying rate caused by
the high stubble and large amount of straw after rice harvesting when the rapeseed direct …