Proposal for highly nonlinear dispersion-flattened octagonal photonic crystal fibers

SMA Razzak, Y Namihira - IEEE photonics technology letters, 2008 -
A highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber (HNL-PCF) based on an octagonal structure with
isosceles triangular-latticed cladding is proposed for the telecommunication window. The …

[PDF][PDF] Proposal for Highly Nonlinear Dispersion-Flattened Octagonal Photonic Crystal Fibers

SMA Razzak, Y Namihira - IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY …, 2008 -
A highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber (HNL-PCF) based on an octagonal structure with
isosceles triangular-latticed cladding is proposed for the telecommunication window. The …

Proposal for Highly Nonlinear Dispersion-Flattened Octagonal Photonic Crystal Fibers

SMA Razzak, Y Namihira - IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2008 -
A highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber (HNL-PCF) based on an octagonal structure with
isosceles triangular-latticed cladding is proposed for the telecommunication window. The …

[引用][C] Proposal for Highly Nonlinear Dispersion-Flattened Octagonal Photonic Crystal Fibers

SM Razzak, Y Namihira - IEEE Photonics Technology …, 2008 -
Proposal for Highly Nonlinear Dispersion-Flattened Octagonal Photonic Crystal Fibers -
NASA/ADS Now on home page ads icon ads Enable full ADS view NASA/ADS Proposal for …

[引用][C] Proposal for Highly Nonlinear Dispersion-Flattened Octagonal Photonic Crystal Fibers

SMA Razzak, Y Namihira - IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2008 -
Proposal for Highly Nonlinear Dispersion-Flattened Octagonal Photonic Crystal Fibers |
CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォーム …

Proposal for Highly Nonlinear Dispersion-Flattened Octagonal Photonic Crystal Fibers

SMA Razzak, Y Namihira - IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2008 -
A highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber (HNL-PCF) based on an octagonal structure with
isosceles triangular-latticed cladding is proposed for the telecommunication window. The …