Distributed LIDAR with fiber optics and a field of view combiner

JT O'keeffe - US Patent 10,564,266, 2020 - Google Patents
Large time-of-flight photodetector arrays can be expensive and one solution is to multiplex
the detector array between several distinct fields of view, thereby increasing its utili zation. In …

Distributed LIDAR with fiber optics and a field of view combiner

JT O'keeffe - US Patent 10,564,266, 2020 - freepatentsonline.com
Large time-of-flight photodetector arrays can be expensive and one solution is to multiplex
the detector array between several distinct fields of view, thereby increasing its utilization. In …

Distributed laser range finder with fiber optics and micromirrors

JT O'Keeffe - US Patent App. 15/851,686, 2019 - Google Patents
Large time-of-flight photodetector arrays can be expensive and one solution is to multiplex
the detector array between several distinct fields of view, thereby increasing its utili zation. In …


JT O'keeffe - US Patent App. 15/851,686, 2019 - freepatentsonline.com
Large time-of-flight photodetector arrays can be expensive and one solution is to multiplex
the detector array between several distinct fields of view, thereby increasing its utilization. In …