A transactional view of property rights

RP Merges - Berkeley Tech. LJ, 2005 - HeinOnline
Property rights and contract law are two of our most basic legal categories. Many legal
scholars describe what makes them different; this Article describes how they work together …

The legal infrastructure of markets: The role of contract and property law

T Frankel - BUL Rev., 1993 - HeinOnline
Markets are social institutions that facilitate exchange transactions. Therefore, they require a
regime of freedom to exchange-a contract regime. Markets can be made more efficient by …

In Defense of Private Orderings: Comments on Julie Cohen's" Copyright and the Jurisprudence of Self-Help"

D Friedman - Berkeley Tech. LJ, 1998 - HeinOnline
It is becoming possible for owners of intellectual property in digital form to use technological
protection instead of, or in addition to, copyright to control the use of their property. Professor …

What are transaction costs?

DW Allen - Rsch. in L. & Econ., 1991 - HeinOnline
To the uninitiated, transaction costs are often mysterious at best and dubious at worst. Even
among economists who use the term often, there are misunderstandings as to what …

Breaking barriers: The relation between contract and intellectual property law

RT Nimmer - Berkeley Tech. LJ, 1998 - HeinOnline
This Article examines the-symbiotic relationship between copyright and contract law. The
intellectual property bargain, or the delicate balance that allegedly exists in current …

The trade secret-contract interface

D Varadarajan - Iowa L. Rev., 2017 - HeinOnline
Contracts play a dual-and dueling-role in trade secret law. On the one hand, non-disclosure
contracts serve an important evidentiay role, helping owners prove key elements of a trade …

Information as a commodity: new imperatives of commercial law

RT Nimmer, PA Krauthaus - Law & Contemp. Probs., 1992 - HeinOnline
Modern information technology changes not only how commercial transactions occur, but
also more fundamentally the subject matter of commerce itself.'It creates new products …

Diverging Perspectives on Electronic Contracting in the US and EU

JK Winn, BH Bix - Clev. St. L. Rev., 2006 - HeinOnline
Margaret Jane Radin's paper3 discusses the ways modem technologies have prompted
new thinking within and about property, and the way the legal response has failed to take …

Trade secrets as property: theory and consequences

CT Graves - J. Intell. Prop., 2007 - HeinOnline
There is perpetual tension in trade secret law over the breadth of the information a creative
employee can freely take from job to job. The court that determines the metes and bounds of …

Property rights and property rules for commercializing inventions

FS Kieff - Minn. L. Rev., 2000 - HeinOnline
INTRODUCTION The foundation for the American patent system is purely economic. The
entire system stems from a constitutional grant of power to Congress to promote the useful …