
椎久翔太, 竹内勇剛 - 人工知能学会全国大会論文集第38 回(2024), 2024 - jstage.jst.go.jp
抄録 一般に小集団における意思決定過程では, 成員それぞれに自分の意見や考えを明示的に表明
できる機会が多くあり, その分, 多数決による採決や一部の特定の人物に最終的な決定を委任する …

An opinions-updating model for large-scale group decision-making driven by autonomous learning

X Cheng, K Zhang, T Wu, Z Xu, X Gou - Information Sciences, 2024 - Elsevier
This paper aspires to explore and construct a more objective and automated large-scale
group decision-making (LSGDM) model. The concept of vacillation degree based on …

Agent Based Modeling Estimation of Individual Intentions and Behavior in Small Group Decision Making

S Shiiku, Y Takeuchi - IEICE Technical Report; IEICE Tech. Rep., 2023 - ken.ieice.org
(in English) In general, in the decision-making process of small groups, there are many
opportunities for members to explicitly express their opinions and thoughts, which may lead …

[PDF][PDF] ベイズモデリングによる価値創造的な合意形成プロセスの可視化

浜田百合 - 知能と情報(日本知能情報ファジィ学会誌), 2022 - scholar.archive.org
合意形成とは, 集団で意思決定を行う際に, 意見の一致を図るプロセスである. 合意形成は,
旅行計画を立てるといった日常的なものから, ビジネスにおける企画会議や都市計画といった社会的 …

Examining learning coherence in group decision-making: triads vs. tetrads

T Harada - Scientific Reports, 2021 - nature.com
This study examined whether three heads are better than four in terms of performance and
learning properties in group decision-making. It was predicted that learning incoherence …

The Effects of Expert Presence and Junk Filtering on Computer-Mediated Group Idea Generation

정종호 - 경영연구, 2014 - dbpia.co.kr
컴퓨터 기반 브레인스토밍에서 발생하는 비생산적 의견들은 참가자들의 주의력을 쉽게
분산시키고 같은 형태의 비생산적인 의견들을 유도하는 강한 경향을 보여 왔다. 본 연구는 …

The Effects of Frivolous Comments on the Performance of Computer-Mediated Group Idea Generation

정종호 - 경영연구, 2012 - dbpia.co.kr
전통적인 대면 방식이나 노미널 방식 브레인스토밍에 비해 우수한 생산 효율성을 보여 온
컴퓨터 기반의 브레인스토밍 또한 극복해야 할 여러 한계점을 가지고 있다. 이들 중 주의력을 …

強化学習と情動学習に基づく意思決定法: 利己的な判断による協調行動の創発

三澤秀明, 松田充史, 堀尾恵一 - 知能と情報, 2012 - jstage.jst.go.jp
抄録 情動は, 動物が生存していく上で非常に重要な要素であり, 社会的な意思決定にも関係して
いると考えられている. 本論文では, 恐怖情動に基づく利己的な判断による社会的行動の創発を検証 …

Strategies to improve selection of creative ideas: An experimental test of epistemic and social motivation in groups

MJ Van Damme, F Anseel, W Duyck… - Creativity and …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Pre‐implementation activities like idea selection play a crucial role in the innovation
process. However, groups of people seem to perform rather poorly when it comes to …

The effects of differing knowledge transfer strategies on group decision making and performance

SD Sillito Walker, BL Bonner - Journal of Behavioral Decision …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Encouraging reflection on one's existing knowledge in a group setting increases shared
understanding, makes information available for problem solving, and makes it easier for …