Adaptive jitter buffering

M Ohlsson, J Nygren, S Lundqvist - US Patent 6,452,950, 2002 - Google Patents
In a packet communication System, the delay time needed in a jitter buffer is determined,
enabling a Smooth data feed to an application without excessive delayS, by methods and …

Techniques for jitter buffer delay management

AE Eckberg - US Patent 7,496,086, 2009 - Google Patents
Techniques are provided to allow a jitter buffer to automati cally reach a quiescent number of
packets in the jitter buffer, based on current network conditions. Generally, no explicit jitter …

Adaptive threshold based jitter buffer management for packetized data

LR Colavito, L Jin, KR Kinney, R Wang - US Patent 7,079,486, 2006 - Google Patents
Adaptive jitter buffer management, eg, for playout of packetized data transmitted over a
network. Playout delay is iteratively adjusted based on changing network traffic …

Adaptive play-out buffers and adaptive clock operation in packet networks

K Shenoi - US Patent 7,894,489, 2011 - Google Patents
Methods and apparatus for a play-out buffer that may adjust offsets between clocks of two
ends of a network link with an adaptive play-out buffer and adaptive clock control. The play …

Systems and methods of using packet boundaries for reduction in timeout prevention

R Plamondon, M Ovsiannikov, A Samuels - US Patent 8,270,423, 2012 - Google Patents
6,701,514 B1 3/2004 Haswell et al. 7,035,285 B2 4/2006 Holloway et al. 6,704,873 B1
3/2004 Underwood 7,035,914 B1 4/2006 Payne et al. 6,711,164 B1 3/2004 Le et al …

Methods and devices for prioritizing in handling buffers in packet networks

HKM Sallberg, S Blaabjerg - US Patent 5,555,264, 1996 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND The present invention is related to methods and devices for prioritizing
procedures when handling buffers in packet networks, in particular methods and devices for …

Jitter buffer management

A Spitzer - US Patent 7,499,472, 2009 - Google Patents
A sample jitter buffer manager more or less aggressively conserves (rations) or discards
data in a jitter buffer, based on the fluctuating amount of data in the jitter buffer. The jitter …

State-based jitter buffer and method of operation

B Vinnakota, S Mohammadali, DW Gilbert - US Patent 7,336,678, 2008 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND In Voice-over-packet telephony, an audio conversation is transmitted over a
network as a stream of packets. A number of factors can affect the quality of the audio …

Methods and systems for managing variable delays in packet transmission

J Pang, M Usman, S Khan… - US Patent App. 10 …, 2003 - Google Patents
An improved method and system for the determination of jitter buffers enables the
generation of buffers having sizes and delays such that, as designed, the buffers capture a …

Method and apparatus for input rate regulation associated with a packet processing pipeline

P Kejriwal, CF Ho - US Patent 6,882,642, 2005 - Google Patents
US6882642B1 - Method and apparatus for input rate regulation associated with a packet
processing pipeline - Google Patents US6882642B1 - Method and apparatus for input rate …