Shoe box

K Shane - US Patent App. 29/436,345, 2013 - Google Patents
USD681443S1 - Shoe box - Google Patents USD681443S1 - Shoe box - Google Patents Shoe
box Download PDF Info Publication number USD681443S1 USD681443S1 US29/436,345 …


G Engel, E Hullegie, J Su - US Patent App. 29/657,433, 2020 - Google Patents
Sep. 24, 2018], retrieved from eBay (Internet]< URL: https://www. ebay. com/itm/Converse-
erx-350-Very-Rare-VERY-RARE-/291413385545? _mwBanner= 1 & nma= true & si …


GM Smith - US Patent App. 06/234,413, 1983 - Google Patents
FIG. 1 is a top plan view of a shoe showing my new design; FIG. 2 is a right side elevational
view thereof, the left side being substantially a mirror image thereto; FIG. 3 is a rear …


J Small, C Eldem - US Patent App. 29/692,926, 2019 - Google Patents
5, 060, 401 A D321, 584 S D324, 131 S D324, 294 S D324, 762 S D325, 289 S D325, 464 S
D325, 667 S D326, 952 S D329, 938 S D330, 110 S D330, 111 S D330, 625 S D330, 797 S …


J Small, C Eldem - US Patent App. 29/692,935, 2019 - Google Patents
5, 060, 401 A D321, 584 S D324, 131 S D324, 294 S D324, 762 S D325, 289 S D325, 464 S
D325, 667 S D326, 952 S D329, 938 S D330, 110 S D330, 111 S D330, 625 S D330, 797 S …


N Galway, A Longo - US Patent App. 29/569,515, 2017 - Google Patents
D591, 945 S* 5/2009 Belley.......... D2/951 D595, 488 S* 7/2009 Banik D2/951 D596, 383 S
7/2009 Morris D610, 788 S 3/2010 Della Valle D622, 494 S 8/2010 Warren D649, 757 S …


PG Flint - US Patent 2,142,839, 1939 - Google Patents
14 Claims. My invention, which relates to improvements in shoes of the type forming the
subject matter of applicant's United States Letters Patent No. 2,040,043, issued May 5, 1936 …


T Takeo - US Patent 1,371,334, 1921 - Google Patents
To all thom it may concern; Beit known that I, TAKEO To YAMA, a citi Zen of Japan, residing
county of the Bronx, and State of New York, have invented certain new and useful …


HA Weeks - US Patent 870,064, 1907 - Google Patents
The various novel features of my invention will be. fully described in the subjoined
specification and par ticularly pointed out in the following claims. Figure 1 is a side elevation …

Rack for use in the manufacture of boots and shoes

US Patent 383,551, 1888 - Google Patents
It is the object of my invention to provide a rack for use, particularly in boot and shoe
manufacturing establishments, which shall be at once economic of construction, durable …