Multi-keyword searchable and verifiable attribute-based encryption over cloud data

Y Zhang, T Zhu, R Guo, S Xu, H Cui… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2021 -
In cloud data sharing systems, Searchable Encryption (SE) schemes ensure data
confidentiality with retrieving, but it faces several issues in practice. First, most of the …

Multi-authority attribute-based keyword search over encrypted cloud data

Y Miao, RH Deng, X Liu, KKR Choo… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2019 -
Searchable Encryption (SE) is an important technique to guarantee data security and
usability in the cloud at the same time. Leveraging Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based …

Verifiable and multi-keyword searchable attribute-based encryption scheme for cloud storage

S Wang, S Jia, Y Zhang - IEEE Access, 2019 -
In attribute-based searchable encryption (ABSE) scheme, data owners can encrypt their
data with access policy for security consideration, and encrypt keywords to obtain keyword …

Attribute-based keyword search over hierarchical data in cloud computing

Y Miao, J Ma, X Liu, X Li, Q Jiang… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2017 -
Searchable encryption (SE) has been a promising technology which allows users to perform
search queries over encrypted data. However, the most of existing SE schemes cannot deal …

Multi-keyword searchable and data verifiable attribute-based encryption scheme for cloud storage

J Sun, L Ren, S Wang, X Yao - IEEE Access, 2019 -
In a data sharing system, it is a basic requirement for a user, who has an appropriate
privilege to perform keyword retrieval for encrypted documents stored in the cloud. Although …

Key-escrow free attribute-based multi-keyword search with dynamic policy update in cloud computing

US Varri, SK Pasupuleti… - 2020 20th IEEE/ACM …, 2020 -
Attribute-based searchable encryption (ABSE) schemes provide searchability and fine-
grained access control over encrypted data in the cloud. Although prior ABSE schemes are …

An efficient key-policy attribute-based searchable encryption in prime-order groups

R Meng, Y Zhou, J Ning, K Liang, J Han… - Provable Security: 11th …, 2017 - Springer
Public key encryption with keyword search (PEKS) is a promising cryptographic mechanism
to enable secure search over encrypted data in cloud. The mechanism allows a semi-trusted …

Verifiable attribute-based multi-keyword search over encrypted cloud data in multi-owner setting

Y Fan, Z Liu - 2017 IEEE second international conference on …, 2017 -
Searchable encryption is crucial for the encrypted data utilization, especially in the database
generated by multiple owners. Many existing schemes support single keyword query, and …

EMK-ABSE: Efficient multikeyword attribute-based searchable encryption scheme through cloud-edge coordination

J Liu, Y Li, R Sun, Q Pei, N Zhang… - IEEE Internet of …, 2022 -
Cloud storage and edge computing provide the possibility to address the tremendous
storage and computing pressure caused by the explosive growth of traffic at the edge of the …

An efficient attribute-based multi-keyword search scheme in encrypted keyword generation

Y Cui, F Gao, Y Shi, W Yin, E Panaousis… - IEEE access, 2020 -
With the growing popularity of cloud computing in recent years, data owners (DOs) now
prefer to outsource their data to cloud servers and allow the specific data users (DUs) to …