Synchronization of permissioned content in cloud-based environments

B Savage, K Parmar, DG Sawyer, L Pan, Y Lu… - US Patent …, 2020 - Google Patents
Enterprise administrators in a cloud-based environment including a cloud-based server and
a repository can selec tively impose permissions on items (eg, files and folders) marked for …

Sharable Reference to Shared Content in a Cloud Storage

D Poirier - US Patent App. 14/169,261, 2014 - Google Patents
Clickable links are created and shared between collaborators sharing files to quickly refer to
a specific file or folder, without having to transfer or bundle the actual file or folder. The links …

Cloud-based application resource files

Y Arrouye, DB Giampaolo, J Mensch - US Patent 9,086,937, 2015 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A cloud computing system can be used to transparently reduce the storage
space of an application on a client device. An application can be installed with a minimal set …

Securely terminating processes in a cloud computing environment

MP DeHaan - US Patent 8,832,459, 2014 - Google Patents
When terminating a process instantiated in a cloud, a cloud management system can
provide and interact with an eraser agent on the computing systems Supporting the process …

Secure processing in multi-tenant cloud infrastructure

S Faibish, P Tzelnic - US Patent 8,719,590, 2014 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND An increasing number of companies and other enterprises are reducing
their costs by migrating portions of their infor mation technology infrastructure to cloud …

Converting standard software licenses for use in cloud computing environments

JM Ferris, GE Riveros - US Patent 10,783,504, 2020 - Google Patents
Abstract A “Bring Your Own License”(BYOL) service can convert users'“off-the-shelf”(OTS)
software licenses for use in public clouds according to rules provided by independent …

Metering software infrastructure in a cloud computing environment

JM Ferris, GE Riveros - US Patent 8,769,083, 2014 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A metering tool can monitor the software resources of the cloud to meter the
software utilization of the cloud. The metering tool can cooperate and communicate with a …

Offering additional license terms during conversion of standard software licenses for use in cloud computing environments

JM Ferris, GE Riveros - US Patent 9,053,472, 2015 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A “Bring Your Own License”(BYOL) service can convert users “off-the-shelf
(OTS) software licenses for use in pub lic clouds according to rules provided by independent …

Random identifier generation for offline database

G Van Rossum - US Patent 9,509,509, 2016 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND Cloud storage providers allow users to store content items in an online user
account that can be accessed from any computing device with a network connection. In …

Generating cross-mapping of vendor software in a cloud computing environment

JM Ferris, GE Riveros - US Patent 9,436,459, 2016 - Google Patents
A compatibility service can determine the compatibility of US PATENT DOCUMENTS
different software programs provide by different vendors in 6.463, 457 B1 10, 2002 Arment …