Broadband telecommunications system

JM Christie - US Patent 5,991,301, 1999 - Google Patents
4,201.889 5/1980 Lawrence et al.. The invention is a System for providing virtual
connections 4,310,727 1/1982 Lawser. through an ATM interworking multiplexer on a call-by …

Multifunction interface facility connecting wideband multiple access subscriber loops with various networks

F Barzegar, I Gerszberg, PA Treventi - US Patent 6,363,079, 2002 - Google Patents
4,456.925 A 6/1984 Skerlos et al............... 34.8/552 by a controller of an acceSS module. It
translates data from s: A g A.------r ii. the subscriber link to the form compatible with the digital …

Telecommunications tandem system for circuit-based traffic

JM Christie, MJ Gardner, WL Wiley, AD Duree… - US Patent …, 2000 - Google Patents
The InventIon Is a tandem system for provIdIng a tandem 4,201,889 5/1980 Lawrence 9t a1~-
connection for circuit-based traf? c. This tandem system 473107727 1/1982 Laws “' …

Broadband telecommunications system

JM Christie, AD Duree, MJ Gardner, WL Wiley… - US Patent …, 2000 - Google Patents
1995, Pat. No. 5,991,301, which is a continuation-in-part of c US applical IOn No. s, Ille ay
2U, application No. 08/238,605, May 5, 1994, abandoned, and a continuation-in-part of …

Broadband intelligent telecommunications network and method providing enhanced capabilities for customer premises equipment

IIRB Robrock - US Patent 5,600,643, 1997 - Google Patents
57) ABSTRACT A Broadband Intelligent Network employs an ATM fast packet switch to route
signaling cells from a calling party to a switch port directly connected to a network controller …

Method and arrangement for establishing call connections in a telecommunications network using a virtual transport server

JW Borchering - US Patent 5,867,571, 1999 - Google Patents
Appl'N05 613,789 Atelecommunications network comprises a virtual transport [22] Filed, Feb
23'1996 server (VTS) for making network routing decisions and establishing call …

Traffic control apparatus and method of user-network interface of asynchronous transfer mode

YII Kim - US Patent 5,519,689, 1996 - Google Patents
57 ABSTRACT A traffic control method and system for a broadband user network interface
which connects subscriber terminals to a public network in an ATM exchange including …

Telecommunications system

RD Farris - US Patent 6,546,003, 2003 - Google Patents
INTERNET MODULE sh s--------basis. It is a particular feature of the invention that directory
assistance is offered to callers, with or without call comple tion at the option of the caller …

System and method for allocating bandwidth for a call

KM Medhat, MJ Gardner, DC Boldt - US Patent 6,314,103, 2001 - Google Patents
Feb. 2, 1996, now Pat. No. 6,081,525, which is a continu- _ _ _ ation-in-part of application
No. 08/568,551,? led on Dec. 7, A System and method for allocatlng bandwldth m an …

Telecommunications system with multi-extension services

AO Dougherty, CI Cook, DG Robinson… - US Patent …, 2000 - Google Patents
57 ABSTRACT 21 Appl. No.: 09/320,994 A telecommunication System and method for
providing 22 Filed: May 27, 1999 multi-extension Service utilizes a location register having …