Quantum computing review: A decade of research

SK Sood - IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Quantum computing (QC) has the potential to be the next abstruse technology, with a wide
range of possible applications and ramifications for organizations and markets. QC provides …

Quantum computing: A taxonomy, systematic review and future directions

SS Gill, A Kumar, H Singh, M Singh… - Software: Practice …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Quantum computing (QC) is an emerging paradigm with the potential to offer significant
computational advantage over conventional classical computing by exploiting quantum …

Evolution of quantum computing: A systematic survey on the use of quantum computing tools

PB Upama, MJH Faruk, M Nazim… - 2022 IEEE 46th …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Quantum Computing (QC) refers to an emerging paradigm that inherits and builds with the
concepts and phenomena of Quantum Mechanic (QM) with the significant potential to unlock …

[图书][B] Quantum computing: an applied approach

JD Hidary, JD Hidary - 2019 - Springer
Our world, of course, changed in many other ways as well since the publication of the first
edition. The global pandemic impacted all areas of society and will probably transform how …

Contemporary quantum computing use cases: taxonomy, review and challenges

J Singh, KS Bhangu - Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 2023 - Springer
Recently, the popularity of using the expressive power of quantum computing to solve
known, challenging problems has increased remarkably. This study aims to develop a clear …

Present landscape of quantum computing

V Hassija, V Chamola, V Saxena… - IET Quantum …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Quantum computing is currently a topic of interest that harnesses the phenomena of
quantum mechanics. It can address several scientific challenges and generate new …

Quantum Computing

M Nofer, K Bauer, O Hinz, W van der Aalst… - Business & Information …, 2023 - Springer
There are signs that we are approaching a technical revolution that might take humankind's
computational capabilities to a new level. Quantum Computing leverages the principles of …

[图书][B] Quantum computing for the quantum curious

C Hughes, J Isaacson, A Perry, RF Sun, J Turner - 2021 - library.oapen.org
This open access book makes quantum computing more accessible than ever before. A fast-
growing field at the intersection of physics and computer science, quantum computing …

Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence: Synergies and Challenges

J Shuford - Journal of Artificial Intelligence General science …, 2024 - ojs.boulibrary.com
Due to the explosive rise of quantum computing, there has been intense competition in
business and academics in the field of quantum optics in recent decades. The current …

Introduction to quantum computing

ST Marella, HSK Parisa - Quantum Computing and …, 2020 - books.google.com
Quantum computing is a modern way of computing that is based on the science of quantum
mechanics and its unbelievable phenomena. It is a beautiful combination of physics …