Associative and predictive hippocampal codes support memory-guided behaviors

C Liu, R Todorova, W Tang, A Oliva, A Fernandez-Ruiz - Science, 2023 -
Episodic memory involves learning and recalling associations between items and their
spatiotemporal context. Those memories can be further used to generate internal models of …

The hippocampal engram maps experience but not place

KZ Tanaka, H He, A Tomar, K Niisato, AJY Huang… - Science, 2018 -
Episodic memories are encoded by a sparse population of hippocampal neurons. In mice,
optogenetic manipulation of this memory engram established that these neurons are …

Emergence of preconfigured and plastic time-compressed sequences in early postnatal development

U Farooq, G Dragoi - Science, 2019 -
When and how hippocampal neuronal ensembles first organize to support encoding and
consolidation of memory episodes, a critical cognitive function of the brain, are unknown. We …

Neural activity in human hippocampal formation reveals the spatial context of retrieved memories

JF Miller, M Neufang, A Solway, A Brandt, M Trippel… - Science, 2013 -
In many species, spatial navigation is supported by a network of place cells that exhibit
increased firing whenever an animal is in a certain region of an environment. Does this …

Attractor dynamics in the hippocampal representation of the local environment

TJ Wills, C Lever, F Cacucci, N Burgess, J O'Keefe - Science, 2005 -
Memories are thought to be attractor states of neuronal representations, with the
hippocampus a likely substrate for context-dependent episodic memories. However, such …

Nested sequences of hippocampal assemblies during behavior support subsequent sleep replay

C Drieu, R Todorova, M Zugaro - Science, 2018 -
Consolidation of spatial and episodic memories is thought to rely on replay of neuronal
activity sequences during sleep. However, the network dynamics underlying the initial …

Attentive scanning behavior drives one-trial potentiation of hippocampal place fields

JD Monaco, G Rao, ED Roth, JJ Knierim - Nature neuroscience, 2014 -
The hippocampus is thought to have a critical role in episodic memory by incorporating the
sensory input of an experience onto a spatial framework embodied by place cells. Although …

Sequential replay of nonspatial task states in the human hippocampus

NW Schuck, Y Niv - Science, 2019 -
INTRODUCTION The hippocampus plays an important role in memory and spatial
navigation. When rodents navigate a spatial maze, hippocampal neurons called place cells …

Volitional activation of remote place representations with a hippocampal brain–machine interface

C Lai, S Tanaka, TD Harris, AK Lee - Science, 2023 -
The hippocampus is critical for recollecting and imagining experiences. This is believed to
involve voluntarily drawing from hippocampal memory representations of people, events …

Experience-dependent contextual codes in the hippocampus

MH Plitt, LM Giocomo - Nature neuroscience, 2021 -
The hippocampus contains neural representations capable of supporting declarative
memory. Hippocampal place cells are one such representation, firing in one or few locations …