Sérhæfing og samvirkni innan ytri sjónbarkar

M Arnarsdóttir, P Jakobsson - skemman.is
Sýnt hefur verið fram á upplýsingaþörf mannsins, en hún hefur drifið áfram þekkingaleit frá
fornöldum til nútímans og mun gera það áfram um ókomna tíð. Sjónskynjun er ekki bara …

Glöggt er gests augað, eða hvað?

Þ Guðlaugsson, EE Leósdóttir - 2011 - skemman.is
Ímynd er yfirgripsmikið hugtak sem getur haft mismunandi merkingu eftir stað og stund.
Fyrstu skilaboðin sem lönd senda frá sér eru oft í gegnum þá ímynd sem landið hefur sem …

Greining á gagnadrifnum og hugarstýrðum ferlum í verkefni byggðu á spilinu SET

A Stefánsson - skemman.is
Kenningin um ýfingaráhrif snýst um þá hugmynd að skynjun verður fyrir áhrifum þess sem
nýlega hefur verið veitt athygli á þann hátt að úrvinnsla þessarar skynjunar er hraðari …

Vision is getting easier every day

P Cavanagh - Perception, 1995 - journals.sagepub.com
You may have noticed, as I have, that the complexity of the visual system oscillates over
time. For quite a long time, centuries in fact, vision could call on rich internal representations …

Adaptive Mechanisms in the Ecology of Vision [electronic resource]

SN Archer, MBA Djamgoz, ER Loew, JC Partridge… - sidalc.net
John Lythgoe was one of the pioneers of the'Ecology of Vision', a subject that he ably
delineated in his classic and inspirational book published some 20 years ago [1]. At heart …

[PDF][PDF] Insights About Seeing| Review of Sight Unseen: An Exploration of Conscious and Unconscious Vision, by Melvyn A. Goodale and A. David Milner. ISBN 0-19 …

E Brenner, JBJ Smeets - 2007 - personal.fgb.vu.nl
Milner. ISBN 0-19-856807-X, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005, 146 pages. Price
(softcover) US $29.50, UK£ 14.99. is, how high a step is, whether ones fingers are moving to …

The integrity of vision

A Gilchrist - Perception, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
The idea that what we see is distorted by emotions, past experience, bodily energy needs,
and other cognitive factors has been all the rage lately. We are told that a hill looks steeper if …

[PDF][PDF] Center and surround

G WESTHEIMER - Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual …, 1974 - iovs.arvojournals.org
timulation by light causes a reaction not only in the region receiving light, but also in its
surround; the directly stimulated part reacts by increased excitation and the surround by …

[图书][B] Facets of vision

DG Stavenga, RC Hardie - 2012 - books.google.com
The papers published in this Volume are the fruits of a symposium held in Regensburg in
April 1987. The meeting was held to com memorate two most significant events in the …

[引用][C] Könnun von Helmholtz, James J. Gibson og skynjun hljóðlengdar í íslensku tali

JL Pind - 2004 - Sálfræðingafélag Íslands