Multiple robustness assessment method for understanding structural and functional characteristics of the power network

S Wang, J Zhang, X Yue - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its …, 2018 - Elsevier
This paper develops a methodological framework to study robustness of the power network
from both structural and functional perspective, and uses the central China power grid as an …

Structural and functional robustness of networked critical infrastructure systems under different failure scenarios

S Wang, W Lv, L Zhao, S Nie, HE Stanley - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics …, 2019 - Elsevier
We analyze the structural and functional robustness of networked critical infrastructure
systems (CISs). We propose a structural and functional robustness model of a typical …

Power network robustness analysis based on electrical engineering and complex network theory

D Zhou, F Hu, S Wang, J Chen - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its …, 2021 - Elsevier
The growing importance of power systems in the development of modern society has
increasingly focused the attention on the various dangers to which these systems are …

[HTML][HTML] A multiple perspective method for urban subway network robustness analysis

S Wang, S Nie, L Zhao, HE Stanley - Aip Advances, 2018 -
Most network research studying the robustness of critical infrastructure networks focuses on
a particular aspect and does not take the entire system into consideration. We develop a …

[PDF][PDF] Robustness measure for power grids with respect to cascading failures.

M Youssef, CM Scoglio, S Pahwa - Cnet@ ITC, 2011 -
Our daily life depends heavily on many complex infrastructures. The security of critical
infrastructures has become a main issue under investigation, and therefore tools to measure …

[图书][B] Measure of robustness for complex networks

MN Youssef - 2012 -
Critical infrastructures are repeatedly attacked by external triggers causing tremendous
amount of damages. Any infrastructure can be studied using the powerful theory of complex …

A quantitative method for determining the robustness of complex networks

J Qin, H Wu, X Tong, B Zheng - Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 2013 - Elsevier
Most current studies estimate the invulnerability of complex networks using a qualitative
method that analyzes the decay rate of network performance. This method results in …

Power grid vulnerability: A complex network approach

S Arianos, E Bompard, A Carbone… - Chaos: An Interdisciplinary …, 2009 -
Power grids exhibit patterns of reaction to outages similar to complex networks. Blackout
sequences follow power laws, as complex systems operating near a critical point. Here, the …

Method of power network critical nodes identification and robustness enhancement based on a cooperative framework

S Wang, W Lv, J Zhang, S Luan, C Chen… - Reliability Engineering & …, 2021 - Elsevier
Taking both typical complex network models and power characteristics into account, a novel
framework to evaluate the robustness of networks from different perspectives is proposed in …

Robustness analysis of electricity networks against failure or attack: The case of the Australian National Electricity Market (NEM)

W Wang, F Karimi, K Khalilpour, D Green… - International Journal of …, 2023 - Elsevier
This study explores network science algorithms for the robustness analysis of electricity
networks. We first investigate the characteristics of key network models including random …