Second screen content

JM Winograd, PR Johnson, WC Houle - US Patent 8,869,222, 2014 - Google Patents
4,564,862 4,593.904 4,639,779 4,669,089 4,677.466 4,686,707 4,703,476 4,706,282
4,723,302 4,729,398 4,739,398 4,750,173 4,755,871 4,755,884 4,764,608 4,764,808 …

Transitional user interface for a portion of a display screen

C Kanga, C Maitlen, J Lee - US Patent App. 29/328,426, 2009 - Google Patents
345/596,636,902,949, 950, 951, 952,955, 345/957, 960; 715/706, 709,715, 716, 719,
715/726, 727, 728,730, 732, 744, 747, 763, 715/776, 777, 779, 780, 783, 793, 810, 821 …

User interface for a display screen

B Lewin, DS Hughes, AE Whigham… - US Patent App. 29 …, 2008 - Google Patents
2001/0012021 A1 8, 2001 2001/0028369 A1 10, 2001 2002fOO33849 A1 3, 2002
2002fOO42817 A1 4, 2002 2002fOO97277 A1 T/2002 2002fO140745 A1 10, 2002 …

User interface for a portion of a display screen

D Murchie, L Musgrave, W Overton… - US Patent App. 29 …, 2009 - Google Patents
345/596,636,902,949, 950, 951, 952,955, 345/957, 960; 715/706, 709,715, 716, 719,
715/726, 727, 728,730, 732, 744, 747, 763, 715/776, 777, 779, 780, 783, 793, 810, 821 …

User interface for a portion of a display screen

A Allen, JR Harris - US Patent App. 29/354,030, 2011 - Google Patents
715/728, 730,752,753,771, 772, 773,777,(57) CLAM 715/779, 780, 792, 793, 808, 809, 810,
821, The ornamental design for a user interface for a portion of a 715/822, 823, 825, 831 …

Changing the screen stack upon application open

M Gimpl, R Cassar, PE Reeves - US Patent 9,626,065, 2017 - Google Patents
G06F 3/0483(2013.01) G06F 3/0488(2013.01) G06F 3/4(2006.01) G06F 3/04(2006.01)
G06F 3/0(2006.01) G06F 3/0484(2013.01) G06F 3/048(2013.01) G06T 3/40(2006.01) G06F …

User interface for a portion of a display screen

N Armendariz - US Patent App. 29/246,951, 2007 - Google Patents
6, 101,536 A 8/2000 Kotani et al................ 7027 FIG. 2 is an enlarged view of the shaded
region in FIG. 1. 6,141,005 A* 10/2000 Hetherington et al....... T15/866 The broken line …

Graphical user interface for a display screen

S Agarwal, W Chan, A Koch, LR Wiseman… - US Patent App. 29 …, 2007 - Google Patents
(56) References Cited 2002/0194062 A1 12/2002 Linide 2002/0198780 A1 12/2002
Kawakami et a1.{J's~ PATENT DOCUMENTS 2003/0037334 Al 2/2003 K1100 et a1 …

Resolution independent user interface design

M Zimmer - US Patent 8,130,237, 2012 - Google Patents
5,357,603 5,388,201 5,471,572 5,481,665 5.490, 246 5,537,630 5,632,033 5,651,107
5,764,229 5,793,376 5,877,741 5,877,762 5,933,148 5,949,409 6,006,231 6,031,937 …

User interface for a portion of a display screen

D Walsh, A Poling - US Patent App. 29/318,435, 2010 - Google Patents
5,042,006 A 8, 1991 Flohrer 5,295,242 A 3, 1994 Mashruwala et al. 5,301,348 A 4, 1994
Jaaskelainen D440, 575 S 4/2001 Wang et al. D440, 979 S 4/2001 Wang et al. 6,231,508 …