Implicit user behaviours to improve post-retrieval document relevancy

V Balakrishnan, X Zhang - Computers in Human Behavior, 2014 - Elsevier
The collection of user feedback as indications of users' interests resulted in a growing
interest in improving users' search experiences. In this article, we describe a method that …

Reading time, scrolling and interaction: exploring implicit sources of user preferences for relevance feedback

D Kelly, NJ Belkin - Proceedings of the 24th annual international ACM …, 2001 -
Implicit feedback techniques appear to be attractive candidates to improve retrieval
performance through relevance feedback without requiring more effort on the part of the …

Utilizing a geometry of context for enhanced implicit feedback

M Melucci, RW White - Proceedings of the sixteenth ACM conference on …, 2007 -
Implicit feedback algorithms utilize interaction between searchers and search systems to
learn more about users' needs and interests than expressed in query statements alone. This …

Improving retrieval relevance using users' explicit feedback

V Balakrishnan, K Ahmadi, SD Ravana - Aslib Journal of Information …, 2016 -
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to improve users' search results relevancy by
manipulating their explicit feedback. Design/methodology/approach–CoRRe–an explicit …

Explicit in situ user feedback for web search results

JY Kim, J Teevan, N Craswell - … of the 39th International ACM SIGIR …, 2016 -
Gathering evidence about whether a search result is relevant is a core concern in the
evaluation and improvement of information retrieval systems. Two common sources of …

Effect of task on time spent reading as an implicit measure of interest

M Kellar, C Watters, J Duffy… - Proceedings of the …, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Information Filtering systems learn user preferences either through explicit or
implicit feedback. However, requiring users to explicitly rate items as part of the interface …

Study of the usefulness of known and new implicit indicators and their optimal combination for accurate inference of users interests

B Shapira, M Taieb-Maimon, A Moskowitz - Proceedings of the 2006 …, 2006 -
Explicit relevance feedback involves explicit ratings of documents or terms by users and
disrupts their browsing and searching. The alternative non-disruptive method is implicit …

Evaluation of rich and explicit feedback for exploratory search

E Sørig, N Collignon, R Fiebrink, N Kando - 2019 -
A user's goals and interests during an exploratory search task are often ambiguous and
complex. When engaging with new documents, people regularly use annotations to help …

Evaluating implicit measures to improve web search

S Fox, K Karnawat, M Mydland, S Dumais… - ACM Transactions on …, 2005 -
Of growing interest in the area of improving the search experience is the collection of implicit
user behavior measures (implicit measures) as indications of user interest and user …

Modeling behavioral factors ininteractive information retrieval

F Baskaya, H Keskustalo, K Järvelin - Proceedings of the 22nd ACM …, 2013 -
In real-life, information retrieval consists of sessions of one or more query iterations. Each
iteration has several subtasks like query formulation, result scanning, document link clicking …