Multi-technology coexistence for IBSS networks

SS Wagholikar, H Ramamurthy, RS Bhagwat… - US Patent …, 2015 - Google Patents
Apparatus configured to be implemented in a first wireless communication device, having
corresponding non-transitory computer-readable media, comprise a memory configured to …

Multi-radio coexistence

JB Linsky - US Patent 9,130,656, 2015 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A method of wireless communication includes monitoring coexistence
issues among Supported radios in a User Equip ment (UE). The method includes …

Enabling coexistence with narrowband wi-fi devices through device class definitions

S Azizi, E Perahia, I Sutskover, M Park… - US Patent App. 15 …, 2018 - Google Patents
Embodiments of a wireless station and method for communicating in a Wi-Fi network in
accordance with coexistence techniques are described. The station (STA) can include …

Co-located basic service sets

R Gidvani, AP Patil, A Asterjadhi, G Cherian - US Patent 11,259,285, 2022 - Google Patents
This disclosure provides systems, methods, and apparatus, including computer programs
encoded on computer-read able media, for co-located Basic Service Sets (BSSS). A BSS …

Systems and methods for coexistence in wlan and lte communications

J Wang - US Patent App. 13/947,935, 2014 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND 0003 Wireless communications devices may have mul tiple wireless
communication systems configured to Support multiple wireless protocols to gain flexibility …

Optimized control system for aggregation of multiple broadband connections over radio interfaces

K Kerpez, M Chiang - US Patent 10,064,095, 2018 - Google Patents
In accordance with embodiments disclosed herein, there are provided apparatus, systems
and methods for implementing and using optimized control systems for aggregation of …

Time-based coexistence method for wireless communication

J Espina, SE Boleko, F Dalmases, T Falck - US Patent 7,948,934, 2011 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A method for facilitating coexistence of wireless technolo gies competing
for the same bandwidth includes, with a first component (14) residing in a first wireless …

Coexistence management for multiple wireless devices by a wireless network device

C Chen, Y Sun, HY Chen, S Lehmann - US Patent 10,375,035, 2019 - Google Patents
Methods and apparatuses for managing coexistence of multiple wireless devices that share
a radio frequency band and communicate with a wireless network device. The wireless …

Enabling technologies for LTE on unlicensed spectrum

M Khojastepour, E Chai, K Sundaresan… - US Patent …, 2019 - Google Patents
Methods and a system are provided for enabling coexistence of WIFI and Long Term
Evolution (LTE) in a wireless communication system. A method includes embedding in a …

Super-frame structure for dynamic spectrum sharing in wireless networks

W Hu - US Patent 8,325,765, 2012 - Google Patents
A coexistence communications method for use between wireless networks includes
adopting a super-frame structure for use in a wireless network having a plurality of frames …