Understanding others' minds: social inference in preschool children with autism spectrum disorder

P Zhou, L Zhan, H Ma - Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 2019 - Springer
The study used an eye-tracking task to investigate whether preschool children with autism
spectrum disorder (ASD) are able to make inferences about others' behavior in terms of their …

Modulating Complex Sentence Processing in Aphasia Through Attention and Semantic Networks

C Baker, T Love - Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 2023 - ASHA
Purpose: Lexical processing impairments such as delayed and reduced activation of lexical-
semantic information have been linked to syntactic processing disruptions and sentence …

Razrješavanje dvosmislenosti anaforične lične zamjenice

S Košutar - 2022 - repozitorij.unizg.hr
Sažetak Unatoč brojnim istraživanjima jezičnoga razumijevanja, uključujući jezičnu obradu
kao njegov nesvjesni vid, nije u potpunosti poznato kako govornici razumiju složene …

[PDF][PDF] Moderating predictive language processing: The role of age and reading skill

C Gerards - 2022 - arno.uvt.nl
Despite their potentially large influence, factors that moderate linguistic anticipatory
processing are not yet well-understood. Recent findings suggest that the detrimental effects …

Studies in early mandarin syntax

J Zhu - 2021 - ddd.uab.cat
Tot i que hi ha molts estudis sobre l'aparició de la sensibilitat a la fonologia des del
naixement, no n'hi ha tants sobre el desenvolupament de la sintaxi en la primera infantesa …

[PDF][PDF] Sentential Reasoning and Sentential Connectives

L Zhan - 2018 - publications.likan.org
• 你首先会看到两个物体, 如古筝和扇子. 然后会看到一张测试图片.• 每张测试图片中都有四个
箱子, 其中三个是开着的, 一个是关着的. 当箱子关着的时候, 我们不知道里面的物体是什么 …

[PDF][PDF] Visual World Paradigm

L Zhan - 2018 - publications.likan.org
Visual World Paradigm - An Eye-Tracking Technique to Study the Real Time Processing of
Spoken Language Page 1 Visual World Paradigm An Eye-Tracking Technique to Study the …