Prioritizing intrusion detection logs

P Gassoway - US Patent App. 10/832,692, 2005 - Google Patents
0003 2. Description of the Related Art 0004. In today's highly computer dependant environ
ment, computer Security is a major concern. The Security of computer networks is routinely …

Detection of misuse or abuse of data by authorized access to database

Y Buchsbaum - US Patent App. 10/689,113, 2005 - Google Patents
The present invention relates to a system for detecting misuse and/or abuse of data related
to database done by a user with authorized access to a data system and its database. User …

Analysis of message sequences

J Lambert, L Cabrera - US Patent App. 10/692,265, 2005 - Google Patents
A method and apparatus are described for investigating the behavior of an environment by
analyzing messages passed between participants in the environment. The environment can …