[PDF][PDF] The hunt for the heffalump continues: can trait and cognitive characteristics predict entrepreneurial orientation?

E Cools, V den Broeck - Journal of small business strategy, 2007 - jsbs.scholasticahq.com
In this paper, we aimed to get more insight into what typifies Flemish entrepreneurs.
Therefore, we compared entrepreneurs with non-entrepreneurs for five characteristics …

Firm performance as a function of entrepreneurial orientation and strategic planning processes

JW Kroeger - 2007 - rave.ohiolink.edu
New business creation is essential for our nation's economy and accounts for all net new job
creation. However, 56% of small businesses fail within four years of startup. One way to …

[图书][B] Entrepreneurial lives: A phenomenological study of the lived experience of the entrepreneur, including the influence of values, beliefs, attitudes, and leadership …

CL Bann - 2007 - search.proquest.com
This study examines the lived experiences of entrepreneurs in the start-up phase of their
business, to learn what it is like to be an entrepreneur and to gain insight on contributing …

Empreendorismo e desenvolvimento regional no Brasil. Uma análise da relação entre a criação de empresas eo desenvolvimento regional ao longo do tempo e de …

JC Castanhar - 2007 - repositorio.iscte-iul.pt
A presente Tese analisa a relação entre empreendedorismo e desenvolvimento econômico
no Brasil a partir de um referencial analítico que procura integrar dois ramos da literatura …

[图书][B] Entrepreneurial orientation within young firms: A theoretical and empirical examination of a behavioral phenomenon

WJ Wales - 2007 - search.proquest.com
The three essays contained within this dissertation were undertaken to explore the
phenomenon of firm-level entrepreneurial orientation within the context of young firms. The …

[PDF][PDF] New product development in start-up technology-based firms (STBFs)

PW Beven - 2007 - research.usq.edu.au
Firms undertaking new product development are faced with an environment which is
characterised by long lead times from basic research to industrial application, a …

[图书][B] Johtamiskyvykkyyden mittaaminen kasvuyrityksissä

J Ala-Mutka - 2007 - aaltodoc.aalto.fi
Yhteenveto—Johtamiskyvykkyys on tilannesidonnainen, strateginen ja organisaation
kollektiivinen ominaisuus, jota voidaan mitata organisaation pitkän aikavälin menestyksen …

[PDF][PDF] Orientación emprendedora: una aproximación a la interrelación con la gestión de la calidad total y el desempeño

MR Arroyo, AMB Bojica… - … Juan Carlos, Madrid, 6, 7 y …, 2007 - dialnet.unirioja.es
El propósito de este trabajo es establecer las líneas generales para futuros estudios
empíricos que contribuyan a avanzar en la investigación sobre Orientación Emprendedora …

The business diversification challenges of small information technology defense consulting organizations in Maryland

JL Sandwisch - 2007 - search.proquest.com
This phenomenological qualitative study explored leadership by means of accessing the
lived experiences of small IT defense consulting company CEOs in Maryland. Small …


MKHKİ VE - turuz.com
In this study, after the information obtained from written and verbal sources was classified in
a particular order, they were investigated using comparative folklore methods. In this context …