Tree size inequality reduces forest productivity: an analysis combining inventory data for ten European species and a light competition model

T Bourdier, T Cordonnier, G Kunstler, C Piedallu… - PloS one, 2016 -
Plant structural diversity is usually considered as beneficial for ecosystem functioning. For
instance, numerous studies have reported positive species diversity-productivity …

Can mixed stands of native and non-native tree species enhance diversity of epigaeic arthropods in plantation forests?

A Oxbrough, S García-Tejero, J Spence… - Forest Ecology and …, 2016 - Elsevier
In regions with low cover of natural forests and high cover of plantations predominately
comprised of non-native species, inclusion of a native tree species with a more productive …

[PDF][PDF] Impacts of alkaline dust pollution on biodiversity of plants and lichens: from communities to genetic diversity

P Degtjarenko - Dissertationes Biologicae Universitatis Tartuensis, 2016 -
Environmental pollution (including air pollution) is a consequential global threat to overall
biodiversity. Air pollution impacts on all levels of biological organization, from individuals to …

Changes in bryophyte and lichen communities on Scots pines along an alkaline dust pollution gradient

P Degtjarenko, L Marmor, T Randlane - Environmental Science and …, 2016 - Springer
Dust pollution can cause a significant damage of environment and endanger human health.
Our study aimed to investigate epiphytic lichens and bryophytes in relation to long-term …

Spontaneous restoration of epiphytic lichen biota in managed forests planted on habitats typical for temperate deciduous forest

D Kubiak, P Osyczka, K Rola - Biodiversity and Conservation, 2016 - Springer
The study examines the changes of epiphytic lichen diversity in differently aged stands
developing after clear cutting and pine planting on fertile habitats typical for deciduous …

Environmental drivers of the bryophyte propagule bank and its comparison with forest-floor assemblage in Central European temperate mixed forests

A Kövendi-Jakó, S Márialigeti, A Bidló… - Journal of Bryology, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Species richness, composition and abundance of the bryophyte diaspore bank of Central
European temperate mixed forests were compared with the forest-floor bryophyte …

Influences relatives de l'ancienneté et de la maturité sur la biodiversité: implications pour la conservation en forêts de montagne

P Janssen - 2016 -
Depuis les années 1980, de nombreuses études ont montré l'importance des peuplements
forestiers très matures et de leurs attributs constitutifs (arbres de gros diamètre, bois …

[PDF][PDF] Az erdei biodiverzitást meghatározó tényezők az Őrségi Nemzeti Parkban. Természetvédelmi biológiai esettanulmány sok élőlénycsoport figyelembe vételével.

P Ódor - 2016 -
A faállomány és az erdei biodiverzitás összefüggéseit vizsgáltuk az őrségi erdőkben több
élőlénycsoportra vonatkozóan (lágyszárúak, újulat, mohák, zuzmók, nagygombák, szaproxyl …

The diversity and community dynamics of hazelwood lichens and bryophytes along a major gradient of human impact

R Belinchón, BJ Coppins, R Yahr… - Plant Ecology & …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Background: Oceanic hazelwoods in western Scotland are hypothesised to be unmanaged
post-glacial relicts, representing an unusual type of old-growth forest habitat in Europe. They …

Hétérogénéité des peuplements forestiers et production: interactions avec les traits fonctionnels des espèces

T Bourdier - 2016 -
La relation diversité-productivité est au cœur des enjeux actuels dans de nombreux
écosystèmes. Dans l'étude de cette relation en peuplements forestiers, un aspect de la …