Predicting human behaviour with recurrent neural networks

A Almeida, G Azkune - Applied Sciences, 2018 -
As the average age of the urban population increases, cities must adapt to improve the
quality of life of their citizens. The City4Age H2020 project is working on the early detection …

Activity recognition using accelerometer sensor and machine learning classifiers

ASA Sukor, A Zakaria, NA Rahim - 2018 IEEE 14th …, 2018 -
Activity recognition is considered as an important task in many applications, particularly in
healthcare services. Among these applications include medical diagnostic, monitoring of …

An unsupervised user behavior prediction algorithm based on machine learning and neural network for smart home

T Liang, B Zeng, J Liu, L Ye, C Zou - IEEE Access, 2018 -
The user operates the smart home devices year in year out, have produced mass operation
data, but these data do not be utilized well in past. Nowadays, these data can be used to …

A comparative analysis of windowing approaches in dense sensing environments

B Quigley, M Donnelly, G Moore, L Galway - Proceedings, 2018 -
Windowing is an established technique employed within dense sensing environments to
extract relevant features from sensor data streams. Among the established approaches of …

Embedding-level attention and multi-scale convolutional neural networks for behaviour modelling

A Almeida, G Azkune, A Bilbao - 2018 IEEE smartworld …, 2018 -
Understanding human behaviour is a central task in intelligent environments. Understanding
what the user does and how she does it allows to build more reactive and smart …

Recognizing and predicting activities in smart homes

J Cumin - 2018 -
Understanding the context of a home is essential in order to provide services to occupants
that fit their situations and thus fulfil their needs. One example of service that such a context …


佐々木渉, 藤原聖司, 藤本まなと, 諏訪博彦… - マルチメディア, 分散 …, 2018 -
論文抄録 近年, 宅内での人の位置検知や行動認識を利用した, エアコンの自動風向調整や高齢者
の見守り, 省エネなどのサービスなどが登場してきた. 我々は, さらに便利な宅内サービスを実現する …