Предикторы миопии как отправная точка для начала активных мер по предупреждению её развития

ЕП Тарутта, ОВ Проскурина, НА Тарасова… - Российский …, 2018 - roj.igb.ru
Аннотация В обзоре подробно анализируются научные данные о предикторах миопии.
В качестве наиболее надежных предикторов указываются: циклоплегический …

Predicted accommodative response from image quality in young eyes fitted with different dual‐focus designs

M Faria‐Ribeiro, A Amorim‐de‐Sousa… - Ophthalmic and …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Purpose To investigate the separated and combined influences of inner zone (IZ) diameter
and effective add power of dual‐focus contact lenses (CL) in the image quality at distance …

Myopia predictors as a starting point for active prevention of myopia development

EP Tarutta, OV Proskurina, NA Tarasova… - Russian …, 2018 - roj.igb.ru
The review gives a detailed account of research data on myopia predictors. The most
reliable predictors include cycloplegic sphere equivalent of axial refraction less than+ 0.75 D …

Foveal vision power errors induced by spectacle lenses designed to correct peripheral refractive errors

S Barbero, M Faria‐Ribeiro - Ophthalmic and Physiological …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Purpose Radial Refractive Gradient (RRG) spectacles are lenses specifically
designed to minimize peripheral hyperopic defocus typically found in conventional …

Binocular visual function in orthokeratology contact lens wear for myopia

KL Gifford - 2018 - eprints.qut.edu.au
Orthokeratology (OK) contact lenses have shown propensity for slowing down the worsening
of myopia in children and young adults, with only some understanding of the mechanism …

[HTML][HTML] Периферическая рефракция и прогрессирование миопии

СВ Милаш - Российская педиатрическая офтальмология, 2018 - cyberleninka.ru
Предположение о возможной связи между развитием близорукости и периферической
рефракцией обуславливает повышенный интерес к всестороннему изучению …


SV Milash - Russian Pediatric Ophthalmology, 2018 - journals.eco-vector.com
The hypothesis of possible connection between the development of myopia and peripheral
refraction determines high interest to thorough examination of peripheral defocus and the …

Spatial characteristics of the response of the human choroid to imposed defocus

SH Hoseini Yazdi - 2018 - eprints.qut.edu.au
This thesis examined the thickness of the human choroid across a substantially larger region
(~ 55°) than previously examined (~ 17°), its regional variation associated with myopia, and …


ВП Фокин - mntk.ru
В последние десятилетия во всем мире наблюдается увеличение людей с аномалиями
рефракции. Наибольшая часть из них приходится на миопию, которая сегодня …

Predicted accommodative response from image quality in young eyes fitted with different dual-focus designs

MAF Ribeiro, AICA Sousa, JM González-Méijome - 2018 - repositorium.sdum.uminho.pt
Purpose: To investigate the separated and combined influences of inner zone (IZ) diameter
and effective add power of dual-focus contact lenses (CL) in the image quality at distance …