[PDF][PDF] New lower bounds for probabilistic degree and AC0 with parity gates

E Viola - Electron. Colloquium Comput. Complex, 2020 - khoury.northeastern.edu
We make the first progress on probabilistic-degree lower bounds and correlation bounds for
polynomials since the papers by Razborov and Smolensky in the 80's. The bounds hold for …

Texts in Computer Science

D Gries, FB Schneider - 2020 - Springer
The Guide to Reliable Distributed Systems: Building High-Assurance Applications and
Cloud-Hosted Services is a heavily edited new edition of a prior edition that went under the …

[PDF][PDF] These lecture notes are based on a manuscript of a book on matrix rigidity by Chi-Ning Chou and Sasha Golovnev.

S Golovnev - golovnev.org
One of the main questions in computational complexity is that of proving lower bounds on
the size of Boolean circuits computing explicitly given functions. While most Boolean …

[PDF][PDF] Derandomization, quantified derandomization, and their interplay with lower bounds

R Tell - 2020 - wisdom.weizmann.ac.il
What is the role of randomness in computation? This thesis focuses on the prBPP= prP
conjecture, which asserts that randomness is not crucial for efficiently solving decision …

[PDF][PDF] Теоретическая информатика III, осень 2019 г. Лекция 11: Теорема Иммермана–Селепчени. Множество, не распознаваемое никакой машиной Тьюринга …

А Охотин - users.math-cs.spbu.ru
Доказательство. Пусть сперва s (n) конструируемая по памяти. Пусть M
недетерминированная МТ, использующая память s (n). Для всякой входной строки w∈ …