Puettavat sensorit migreenin ennakko-oireiden tunnistamisessa ja omahoidon tukena migreenipotilaiden näkökulmasta

HL Huttunen - 2023 - oulurepo.oulu.fi
Tiivistelmä Migreeni on yksi haastavimmista sairauksista, joka kuormittaa terveydenhuollon
palveluja ja laskee sitä sairastavien elämänlaatua. Migreenin ennakko-oireiden …

Autonomy, Efficiency, Privacy and Traceability in Blockchain-enabled IoT Data Marketplace

P Gupta - 2023 - unsworks.unsw.edu.au
Personal data generated from IoT devices is a new economic asset that individuals can
trade to generate revenue on the emerging data marketplaces. Blockchain technology can …

Continuous real-time masked database replication

NC Burnett, JJ Gallagher, I Taskaya - US Patent 11,687,564, 2023 - Google Patents
A system performs masking of data stored in a database. The system receives change logs
from a source database and masks the change logs to generate masked change logs. The …