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A road traffic noise spectrum calculation method based on the noise spectral characteristics of single vehicles

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Vehicle type and driving speed are important factors affecting the vehicle noise spectrum. Therefore, according to the noise spectrum characteristics of single vehicles, the types of vehicles commonly found on Chinese urban roads are classified and the speed interval is divided. Then,by collecting the noise data of a large number of single vehicles, the noise spectrum characteristics of different types of vehicles at different speed intervals are analyzed. Combined with the vehicle noise emission calculation model, the sound pressure level of the vehicle is calculated,and the noise spectrum of the single vehicle is calculated by the sound pressure level and the noise spectral characteristics of the corresponding vehicle type and speed. Finally, the noise spectrum of all vehicles on the road section is superimposed and time-averaged to calculate the roadtraffic noise spectrum. This calculation method is applied to the actual scene of an urban road, and the calculated noise spectrum is highly similar to the measured noise spectrum.

Document Type: Research Article

Affiliations:1: Sun Yat-sen University, School of Intelligent Systems Engineering; Guangdong Province Key Laboratory of Intelligent Transportation System. Higher Education Mega Center, P. R. China 2: Dongguan Geographic Information and Urban Planning Research Center. Room A408, Building of School of Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou. Higher Education Mega Center, P. R. China

Publication date:30 September 2019

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