
Broken ray transform: inversion and a range condition


Published 12 June 2013 © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd
, , Citation A Katsevich and R Krylov 2013 Inverse Problems 29 075008 DOI 10.1088/0266-5611/29/7/075008



In this paper we study a class of broken ray transforms (BRT), which can be implemented with flat and/or curved detectors. In the case of two detectors we obtain an inversion formula, which involves a second-order derivative of the data and integration along characteristics. In the case of three detectors, we obtain an inversion formula, which is purely local and involves only the first-order derivatives of the data. Hence the formula solves the interior problem. Neither the object nor the source and detectors require to be rotated in order to obtain a complete data set. We also prove a theorem, which describes the range of the BRT in the case of three detectors. Finally, the results of numerical experiments are presented.

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