Scale Invariant Mask R-CNN for Pedestrian Detection


Ujwalla H. Gawande
Kamal O. Hajari
Yogesh G. Golhar

Pedestrian detection is a challenging and active research area in computer vision. Recognizing pedestrianshelps in various utility applications such as event detection in overcrowded areas, gender, and gaitclassification, etc. In this domain, the most recent research is based on instance segmentation using MaskR-CNN. Most of the pedestrian detection method uses a feature of different body portions for identifying aperson. This feature-based approach is not efficient enough to differentiate pedestrians in real-time, wherethe background changing. In this paper, a combined approach of scale-invariant feature map generationfor detecting a small pedestrian and Mask R-CNN has been proposed for multiple pedestrian detection toovercome this drawback. The new database was created by recording the behavior of the student at theprominent places of the engineering institute. This database is comparatively new for pedestrian detectionin the academic environment. The proposed Scale-invariant Mask R-CNN has been tested on the newlycreated database and has been compared with the Caltech [1], INRIA [2], MS COCO [3], ETH [4], andKITTI [5] database. The experimental result shows significant performance improvement in pedestrian detection as compared to the existing approaches of pedestrian detection and instance segmentation. Finally, we conclude and investigate the directions for future research.


Convolutional neural network, Instance segmentation, Pedestrian Detection, Mask R-CNN


How to Cite
Gawande, Ujwalla H.; Hajari, Kamal O.; Golhar, Yogesh G. “Scale Invariant Mask R-CNN for Pedestrian Detection”. ELCVIA: electronic letters on computer vision and image analysis, 2020, Vol. 19, Num. 3, pp. 98-118,


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