Ars Electronica: visions of the future


Pau Waelder

Ars Electronica, the arts, technology and society festival that takes place in Linz, Austria, celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary in 2004. Under the title "Timeshift", the event's main symposium focused both on looking back at the festival's history and on looking to the future, predicting the conditions in which the next timeshift, in 2029, will take place. This article looks to review the predictions for the future that have been seen in the past and assess the panorama for the information society in the next twenty-five years, based on the contributions to the symposium "Timeshift-The world in twenty-five years".


Ars Electronica, digital art, future, history


How to Cite
Waelder, Pau. “Ars Electronica: visions of the future”. Artnodes, 2005, Num. 4,
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