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Comparative analysis of soft-error detection strategies: a case study with iterative methods

Published: 08 May 2018 Publication History
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  • Abstract

    Undetected soft errors caused by transient bit flips can lead to silent data corruption (SDC), an undesirable outcome where invalid results pass for valid ones. This has motivated the design of soft error detectors to minimize SDCs. However, the detectors have been studied under different contexts, making comparative evaluation difficult. In this paper, we present the first comprehensive evaluation of four online soft error detection techniques in detecting the adverse impact of soft errors on iterative methods. We observe that, across five iterative methods, the detectors studied achieve high but not perfect detection rates. To understand the potential for improved detection, we evaluate a machine-learning based detector that takes as features that are the runtime features observed by the individual detectors to arrive at their conclusions. Our evaluation demonstrates improved but still far from perfect detection accuracy for the machine learning based detectors. This extensive evaluation demonstrates the need for designing error detectors to handle the evolutionary behavior exhibited by iterative solvers.


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    CF '18: Proceedings of the 15th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers
    May 2018
    401 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 08 May 2018


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