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Pulse broadening in long-span single-mode fibers around a material-dispersion-free wavelength

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Broadening of short optical pulses propagated along 10.4- and 6-km-long single-mode fibers was measured at a wavelength of 1.293 μm. The fiber core was made of germanium-doped silica glass, and the cladding was pure silica glass. The average loss was 1.33 dB/km on ten pieces about 1 km long. Measured dispersion was 3.9 psec/km/nm for 10.4-km-long fibers, which is in good agreement with the theoretical result obtained by taking the waveguide as well as material dispersion into account. The present experiment confirms that it is beneficial to use the 1.3-μm wavelength region for large-capacity digital transmission.

© 1978 Optical Society of America

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