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Energy-saving technologies for sustainable development of the maritime transport logistics market

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Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd
, , Citation Y Remyha et al 2023 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 1126 012037 DOI 10.1088/1755-1315/1126/1/012037



The paper identifies ways to solve problems of further development of the maritime logistics market, based on the challenges posed by the recovery of increasing demand for transport services, and activation of the integration of the transport system of Ukraine into the European and world transport systems. Priorities for future economic changes have been proposed in the transport sector and increasing their effectiveness through the development of a legal framework and improving the management structure of the country's logistics system. Recognizing the magnitude of the climate change challenge and the importance of global action today, the development and implementation of energy-saving measures to address international shipping issues was analyzed. In order to succeed in further increasing the energy efficiency of the maritime sector, which is already the most energy-efficient way of mass transportation of goods, the document proposes pragmatic solutions from both a technical and a political point of view. The priorities and direction of action set out in the paper are formulated taking into account the state and place of each market segment in solving national tasks, their implementation requires significant capital investment and must be carried out taking into account the requirements of economic efficiency and environmental sustainability.

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