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Real-Time Monitoring in Passive Optical Networks Using aSuperluminescent LED With Uniform and Phase-Shifted Fiber BraggGratings

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This paper presents a monitoring system for tree-structured passive opticalaccess networks. The emitted light of a superluminescent LED is utilized as themonitoring source. The light signal that propagates along the fiber to thecustomer site is then reflected by a uniform or phase-shifted fiber Bragggrating (FBG), which is employed near the end of the customer site. Thewavelength optimization concept was demonstrated, where one center wavelength orBragg wavelength is shared by two types of monitoring FBGs. Each FBG representsthe distinct location of the optical network unit (ONU) to be monitored. Thistechnique improves the number of monitored ONUs twofold, since a single Braggwavelength can be utilized to monitor two independent customers. The resultswere analyzed using a digital signal processing board that displays thereflection spectra of the FBGs. After identifying the faulty branch, an opticaltime domain reflectometer can be activated for fault localization. The system iscapable of monitoring up to 128 customers while maintaining the bit error rateat 109.This real-time, centralized monitoring system demonstrates a low-power and costefficient monitoring system with low bandwidth requirements.

© 2013 Optical Society of America

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