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Optica Publishing Group
  • Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe (CLEO/Europe 2023) and European Quantum Electronics Conference (EQEC 2023)
  • Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2023),
  • paper jsiii_p_17

Deep Reservoir Computing Based on Frequency Multiplexing

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Reservoir Computers (RC) are recurrent neural networks where most connections are fixed at random, and only output weights are trained [1]. Exhibiting memory about past inputs, RCs are perfect candidates for tasks involving signal processing, such as distortion-compensation in telecom channels. Due to their low level of complexity, RCs are easy to implement on unconventional computing platforms. A photonic RC can deliver low-cost non-electronic computation, without conversion to the electronic domain, with applications in scenarios like edge-computing [2].

© 2023 IEEE

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