With population rising to approximately 200 million Nigerians–fast-paced, urbanization has continued to advent food insecurity with maladministration, corruption, internal rife, and …
With the incessant outbreak of fire, the heavy loss to both lives and properties in the society fire has since become a critical issue and challenge that needs our daily attention to be …
User behaviour about an item is a choice predicated on their perception of the item in order to satisfy the intent of such a purchase pattern/choice as made. With virtual stores to improve …
The digital market today, is rippled with a variety of goods/services that promote monetization and asset exchange with clients constantly seeking improved alternatives at …
The digital revolution frontiers have rippled across society today–with various web content shared online for users as they seek to promote monetization and asset exchange, with …
The increased awareness by residents of their environment to maintain safe health states has consequently, birthed the integration of info tech to help resolve societal issues. These …
Customer retention and monetization have since been the pillar of many successful firms and businesses as keeping an old customer is far more economical than gaining a new one …
High blood pressure (or hypertension) is a causative disorder to a plethora of other ailments– as it succinctly masks other ailments, making them difficult to diagnose and manage with a …
The digital revolution births transformation in many facets of today's society. Its adoption in transportation to curb traffic congestion in major cities globally advances smart-city …