As a key ingredient of batteries for electric vehicles (EVs), lithium plays a significant role in climate change mitigation, but lithium has considerable impacts on water and society across …
MJ DeBoom - The Anthropocene, 2021 -
The declaration of the Anthropocene reflects the magnitude of human-caused planetary violence, but it also risks disguising the inequitable geographies of responsibility and …
Since the 1990s, literary and queer studies scholars have eschewed Marxist and Foucauldian critique and hailed the reparative mode of criticism as a more humane and …
Renewable energy (RE) is critical for curbing global greenhouse gas emissions to achieve 2 to 4 degrees of global warming by 2100. While this is an imperative technical response to …
Following the goal of a post-fossil economy, institutional actors promote techno-managerial solution strategies, for example the green economy and the bioeconomy. While these …
What is so-called 'green'extractivism and where did it come from? The introduction to this Special Section examines the origins and implications of the concept, linking it to a long …
M Archer, F Calvão - Antipode, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Within the context of the so‐called green energy transition, the mining industry has successfully repositioned itself as a facilitator of, rather than an impediment to, a sustainable …
S Mejia-Muñoz, S Babidge - Third World Quarterly, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
The 'Green economy', a central plank of the sustainable development political and economic international agenda, relies on industrial extraction of water, minerals and other earths to …
This article examines strategies by the Irish state to phase out the extraction and burning of peat as a carbon fuel source in relation to the growing energy demands of data centres. One …