Many regions face an increasing flood risk as a result of sea-level rise, climate change, and a growing population in flood prone deltas. Flood protection infrastructure like dikes, levees …
Critical erosion of the dike cover due to overtopping waves is currently defined using conservative estimates. To assess failure probability, the actual erosion rate during …
This literature review is part of the PhD research of the author, which focusses on the effects of transitions on wave overtopping flow and dike cover erosion. The PhD research is part of …
Wetterskip Fryslân is in januari 2017 begonnen met de eerste beoordelingsronde van de primaire waterkeringen. De beoordeling van de Friese primaire kering wordt uitgevoerd aan …
Failure of dike covers due to wave overtopping erosion may initiate dike breach. Surface transitions in the dike cover, such as cure points, height difference, roughness difference …