Atomtronics deals with matter-wave circuits of ultracold atoms manipulated through magnetic or laser-generated guides with different shapes and intensities. In this way, new …
We explore the role of exceptional points and complex eigenvalues on the occurrence of the quantum Mpemba effect. To this end, we study a two-level driven dissipative system …
Statistical mechanics is our tool for deriving the laws that emerge from complex systems. Sethna's text distills the subject to be accessible to those in all realms of science and …
Turbulent phenomena are among the most striking effects that both classical and quantum fluids can exhibit. Although classical turbulence is ubiquitous in nature, the observation of …
In quantum fluids, the quantization of circulation forbids the diffusion of a vortex swirling flow seen in classical viscous fluids. Yet, accelerating quantum vortices may lose their energy …
Adding energy to a system through transient stirring usually leads to more disorder. In contrast, point-like vortices in a bounded two-dimensional fluid are predicted to reorder …
Scale invariance and self-similarity in physics provide a unified framework for classifying phases of matter and dynamical properties near equilibrium in both classical and quantum …
The foundation of atomic physics is the arsenal of spectroscopic tools to probe individual atoms and molecules with astounding precision. With the advent of ultracold quantum …
Although the temperature of a thermodynamic system is usually believed to be a positive quantity, under particular conditions, negative-temperature equilibrium states are also …