Analysis and approximation of rare events

A Budhiraja, P Dupuis - … and Weak Convergence Methods. Series Prob …, 2019 - Springer
The theory of large deviations is concerned with various approximations involving rare
events. It is also concerned with characterizing the circumstances that lead to a given rare …

Large deviations for the empirical measure of the zig-zag process

J Bierkens, P Nyquist, MC Schlottke - The Annals of Applied …, 2021 -
The zig-zag process is a piecewise deterministic Markov process in position and velocity
space. The process can be designed to have an arbitrary Gibbs type marginal probability …

Analysis and optimization of certain parallel Monte Carlo methods in the low temperature limit

P Dupuis, GJ Wu - Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, 2022 - SIAM
Metastability is a formidable challenge to Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. In this paper
we present methods for algorithm design to meet this challenge. The design problem we …

Spectral gap of replica exchange langevin diffusion on mixture distributions

J Dong, XT Tong - Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 2022 - Elsevier
Langevin diffusion (LD) is one of the main workhorses for sampling problems. However, its
convergence rate can be significantly reduced if the target distribution is a mixture of multiple …

Ergodicity of the infinite swapping algorithm at low temperature

G Menz, A Schlichting, W Tang, T Wu - arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.10174, 2018 -
Sampling Gibbs measures at low temperatures is an important task but computationally
challenging. Numerical evidence suggests that the infinite-swapping algorithm (isa) is a …

A note on large deviations for interacting particle dynamics for finding mixed equilibria in zero-sum games

V Nilsson, P Nyquist - arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.15177, 2022 -
Finding equilibria points in continuous minimax games has become a key problem within
machine learning, in part due to its connection to the training of generative adversarial …

[HTML][HTML] A large deviation principle for the empirical measures of Metropolis–Hastings chains

F Milinanni, P Nyquist - Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 2024 - Elsevier
To sample from a given target distribution, Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling
relies on constructing an ergodic Markov chain with the target distribution as its invariant …

Ergodicity of the infinite swapping algorithm at low temperature

G Menz, A Schlichting, W Tang, T Wu - Stochastic Processes and their …, 2022 - Elsevier
Sampling Gibbs measures at low temperatures is an important but computationally
challenging task. Numerical evidence suggests that the infinite-swapping algorithm (isa) is a …

Large deviation properties of the empirical measure of a metastable small noise diffusion

P Dupuis, GJ Wu - Journal of Theoretical Probability, 2022 - Springer
The aim of this paper is to develop tractable large deviation approximations for the empirical
measure of a small noise diffusion. The starting point is the Freidlin–Wentzell theory, which …

Infinite swapping algorithm for training restricted Boltzmann machines

H Hult, P Nyquist, C Ringqvist - Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo …, 2020 - Springer
Given the important role latent variable models play, for example in statistical learning, there
is currently a growing need for efficient Monte Carlo methods for conducting inference on the …