The Perspectives of Legal Progressivism Concerning Song Royalty Payments

D Kurniawati - Syiah Kuala Law Journal, 2022 -
The Royalty is actually an economic right that must be accepted by the creator as a form of
respect and reward for a work. In this case, the existence of rules regarding the payment of …

Legal Studies and Authentic Paradigm: An Idea for Reforming National Laws.

W Yunaldi, R Saputra, Y FITRI Z - Quality-Access to …, 2022 -
Legal studies continue to develop dynamically following the social developments of society.
With various perspectives emerging about law lag because it needs to be legalized through …

[HTML][HTML] Minority Shareholders' Legal Protection in a Limited Liability Company System

IG Sukarmo, H Haq, Z Asikin, S Hs - Журнал Сибирского …, 2021 -
The purpose of this study is to determine the legal protection model for the majority and
minority shareholders in public limited companies. This research method is normative …

Penegakan Hukum terhadap Pelaku Usaha Pom Mini di Desa Gelung Kecamatan Paron Kabupaten Ngawi

WA Febriani, DRS Hariyanto - Jurnal Syntax Admiration, 2024 -
This research aims to determine law enforcement against mini pom business actors in
Gelung Village, Paron District, Ngawi Regency along with the obstacles and efforts. This …

The Enforcement of Progressive Law: Optimizing Alternative Dispute Resolution as the Implementation of Pancasila Values

IGA Kurniawan - … Humanity Justice for Law Enforcement and …, 2022 -
Progressive law is a holistic legal idea. Progressive law views law as a series of rules and
behavior. In practice, progressive law also mandates the implementation of alternative …

Legal Studies and Authentic Paradigm: An Idea for Reforming National Laws

Y Wendra, I Irwan, S Romi, FZ Yenni - General Management, 2022 -
Legal studies continue to develop dynamically following the social developments of society.
With various perspectives emerging about law lag because it needs to be legalized through …