Political communication increasingly takes on visual forms. Yet, despite their ubiquity in everyday communication and digital campaigning, the use of these visuals remains critically …
DR Febryanti, ZK Mahmud, SV Putri… - Jurnal Komunikasi …, 2022 - jurnal.usk.ac.id
Kebijakan yang dibuat oleh pemerintah selama pandemi COVID-19 telah memicu kritik dari banyak pihak dalam bentuk ujaran kebencian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan …
ABSTRACT In der Zeit von Oktober 2017 bis Juli 2021 arbeitete eine transdisziplinäre Forschungsgruppe aus Kommunikationswissenschaftler: innen der Freien Universität Berlin …
Evoluțiile tehnologice au creat condiții pentru transferul agresivității din lumea reală în lumea virtuală și de extindere a anvergurii acesteia, astfel încât efectele sunt dificil de limitat …
Technological developments have created conditions for the transfer of aggression from the real world to the virtual world and its extension, so that the effects are difficult to limit when …