M Ishak - Living Reviews in Relativity, 2019 - Springer
We review recent developments and results in testing general relativity (GR) at cosmological scales. The subject has witnessed rapid growth during the last two decades with the aim of …
The dawn of the twenty-first century came with very positive prospects for gravity, cosmology, and astrophysics. Technological progress made it possible for cosmology to enter to its …
Over recent decades, the role of torsion in gravity has been extensively investigated along the main direction of bringing gravity closer to its gauge formulation and incorporating spin …
In the present paper, we investigate the thermodynamics of a new perturbed black hole solution in symmetric teleparallel gravity. Our main focus is on the solution for a nonlinear …
Teleparallel gravity and its popular generalization gravity can be formulated as fully invariant (under both coordinate transformations and local Lorentz transformations) theories of …
The understanding of stellar structure represents the crossroads of our theories of the nuclear force and the gravitational interaction under the most extreme conditions observably …
Abstract The Nobel Prize winning confirmation in 1998 of the accelerated expansion of our Universe put into sharp focus the need of a consistent theoretical model to explain the origin …
A bstract We present all scalar-tensor Lagrangians that are cubic in second derivatives of a scalar field, and that are degenerate, hence avoiding Ostrogradsky instabilities. Thanks to …
We review different dark energy cosmologies. In particular, we present the Λ CDM cosmology, Little Rip and Pseudo-Rip universes, the phantom and quintessence …