Artikel ini mengulik diskursus gender di ranah film, yang akan difokuskan pada film “Dear David,” yang merekam kehidupan perempuan urban. Anggapan bahwa film adalah …
The research aimed to determine a representation of women in the poster of Warkop DKI comedy film (Dono, Kasino, Indro) in 1980-1989 from a woman point of view. The …
In the 70s era, watching movie in theatre is one of the people's favourite entertainment. Film posters is the main media for promotion of the movies at that time. Film posters were made …
Newspaper advertising experienced a significant increase in the 1970s. During that period, three local daily newspapers were established in Medan: Waspada, Sinar Indonesia Baru …
Poster film secara khusus bertujuan untuk mempromosikan film yang menceritakan mengenai isi film. Film menggunakan poster untuk dapat berinteraksi dengan masyarakat …