L Xiong, F Wang, B Cheng, C Yu - Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2018 - Elsevier
Forestry industry has realized a rapid development in China due to the domestic and international demand for forestry products. Considering the conservation of forest ecology …
R Fahr, U Sunde - Applied Economics, 2006 - Taylor & Francis
This paper investigates the efficiency of the matching process between job seekers and vacancy posting firms in West Germany, using variation across labour market regions and …
P Ilmakunnas, H Pesola - Labour, 2003 - Wiley Online Library
Stochastic production frontiers are used for estimating regional matching functions where unemployment outflow is 'produced'by the unemployed and vacancies. The frontier is …
A matching theory approach is used to assess the impact on the Italian labour market of the 1997 Treu Act (legge Treu), which considerably eased the regulation of temporary work and …
M Moilanen - Papers in Regional Science, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
This paper estimates the matching of job seekers and vacant jobs in Norwegian regional labour markets. The main goal of the study is to analyse whether differing settlement …
SM Hynninen, J Lahtonen - Empirica, 2007 - Springer
This paper studies the matching of job seekers and vacant jobs using data on local labour markets. We estimate differences in the ability of the local markets to form new matches and …
Y Higashi - The Annals of Regional Science, 2020 - Springer
This paper examines whether region-specific shocks alter regional labor market tightness and matching efficiencies. We adopt the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 2011, which …
W Dauth, R Hujer, K Wolf - Regional Studies, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Dauth W., Hujer R. and Wolf K. Do regions benefit from active labour market policies? A macroeconometric evaluation using spatial panel methods, Regional Studies. The effect of …
I Tomić - Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja, 2014 - hrcak.srce.hr
Sažetak This article studies the importance of structural unemployment in the Croatian labour market via occupational mismatch between vacancies and unemployment in the …